Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!


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  • Arizona - First Catfish Stocking Of The Autumn Coming Sept. 21-26

    AZGFD|Sep 1, 2015

    We know the weather has been hot, but it's time to make fishing hot again in the Community waters. Our first catfish of the season will be coming the third week of September. Get the fishing poles ready, and check out the Sept-Oct. CFP stocking schedule. New community water coming to Casa Grande After months of working through required paperwork, we are on track to finalize an agreement with the City of Casa Grande to add Dave White Regional Park Pond to the Community Fishing Program. The park... Full story

  • Upper Columbia To Close For Sockeye Salmon Retention

    WDFW|Aug 1, 2015

    Actions: Close the Columbia River to sockeye retention from Rocky Reach Dam to Chief Joseph Dam. Effective date: One hour after official sunset on July 26, 2015. Species affected: Sockeye salmon Location: From Rocky Reach Dam upstream to Chief Joseph Dam. Reason for action: Elevated water temperatures in the Columbia River have resulted in higher-than-expected mortalities of sockeye salmon returning to the Okanogan River. Fish destined to return to the Okanogan River are staging in the Columbia... Full story

  • Lake Powell - A Learning Day Equals Time Well Spent

    Wayne Gustaveson|Aug 1, 2015

    What a great day spent learning about striped bass behavior, attitudes, and preferences. It was time well spent. We headed out from Wahweap as the sky began to glow in the east. We made it to the mouth of Navajo before sunrise in hopes of seeing the slurping stripers encountered there previously. I am not good at waiting, so we trolled while hoping for the first slurps to appear. That went well as we caught a 3-pound striper trolling a Lucky Craft Bevy Shad at 4 mph. As that fish was undergoing... Full story

  • Excerpts From AZGFD Report

    AZGFD|Aug 1, 2015

    A Summer Favorite One summer favorite for high country anglers is Bear Canyon Lake in the Mogollon Rim. This deep canyon lake has decent shoreline access, but don't expect to fish the bottom with your PowerBait. There is a steep drop-off along most of the shoreline. There is a slight hike into this lake, which keeps most people away. There's no store, no facilities (other than a bathroom in the parking lot), and it is only dispersed camping nearby - a good thing for minimalists. The Reel Deal... Full story

  • New Product: Fishtacular - Catch More Fish, Protect the Environment

    WOT|Aug 1, 2015

    GeoWorld Outdoors, Inc. recently announced the launch of Fishtacular (http://bit.ly/fishtacular), a personal freshwater fishing application for the iOS and Android mobile platforms, designed to help fishing enthusiasts find nearby bodies of water, locate fish species, identify fish species, plan fishing trips for optimal catch conditions, and record catches - all while helping protect the environment. Fishtacular's predictive technology accurately provides optimum fishing locations and times... Full story

  • WDFW Takes Steps To Reduce Effects Of Drought At Fish Hatcheries

    WDFW|Aug 1, 2015

    OLYMPIA – State fishery managers are working to minimize the effects of drought on fish at hatcheries across Washington state. More than a dozen of the 83 fish hatcheries operated by the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) are experiencing low water levels or high water temperatures as a result of this year’s drought. Those conditions increase the likelihood of disease and can be fatal for fish. “We’ve lost about 1.5 million juvenile fish this year due to drought conditions at our... Full story

  • Release Chinook Salmon In The Tulalip Bubble Fishery

    WDFW|Aug 1, 2015

    Action: Close chinook retention in the Tulalip Bubble fishery. Effective Date: 12:01 a.m. July 31, 2015, until further notice. Species affected: Chinook. Location: Waters west of Tulalip Bay and within 2,000 feet of shore from the pilings at Old Bower's Resort, to a fishing boundary marker approximately 1.4 miles northwest of Hermosa Point. Reason for action: Chinook brood stock collection efforts at the Tulalip and Wallace River Hatchery are well behind the goal. The closure of the chinook... Full story

  • Quillayute River System Tributaries To Close

    WDFW|Aug 1, 2015

    Action: Closes the Sol Duc, Bogachiel, Calawah, and Dickey rivers and upper 475 yards of the Quillayute River to all fishing. Effective date: Aug. 1, 2015, until further notice. Species affected: All species. Location: The Dickey River, Sol Duc River, Calawah River, Bogachiel River and the Quillayute River from the confluence of the Sol Duc and Bogachiel Rivers downstream 475 yards to fluorescent orange paint on rocks. Reason for action: Low water and higher than normal water temperatures are... Full story

  • Chinook Retention Ro End Off Neah Bay

    WDFW|Aug 1, 2015

    OLYMPIA – Anglers must release any chinook salmon they catch in ocean waters off Neah Bay beginning Sunday, Aug. 2, state fishery managers announced today. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) estimates that anglers will meet the chinook harvest guideline by the end of the day Aug. 1 in the section of Neah Bay that is west of the Bonilla-Tatoosh line. The section east of the line is already scheduled to close to chinook retention at the end of the day July 31. Last week, the d... Full story

  • Lake Wenatchee Sockeye Fishery To Open

    WDFW|Aug 1, 2015

    Action: Lake Wenatchee opens for sockeye salmon fishing. Effective date: July 30, 2015 (one hour before official sunrise). Species affected: Sockeye salmon. Daily limit: The daily limit per angler is 4 sockeye, minimum size of 12 inches. Location: Lake Wenatchee (Chelan Co.). Reason for action: Based on current passage over Tumwater Dam, at least 30,000 sockeye are projected to enter into Lake Wenatchee. This provides at least 7,000 sockeye for harvest above the natural spawning escapement goal... Full story

  • Legislation Introduced to Preserve Fishing Access in Biscayne National Park

    ASA|Aug 1, 2015

    Washington, D.C. – July 30, 2015 – On the heels of the recent announcement to close over 10,000 acres of Biscayne National Park to fishing, a coalition of recreational fishing and boating organizations praised the introduction of a bipartisan bill, H.R. 3310, that will help stop this and similar unwarranted fishing closures from occurring. Led by Reps. Ileana Ros-Lehtinen (R-Fla.), Mario Diaz-Balart (R-Fla.), Carlos Curbelo (R-Fla.), and 28 other original sponsors, the “Preserving Public Acces... Full story

  • ADEQ Recommends Limiting Consumption Of Channel Catfish And Largemouth Bass Caught In Bartlett Lake

    AZGFD|Aug 1, 2015

    The Arizona Department of Environmental Quality, in association with the Arizona Game and Fish Department, has issued a fish consumption advisory recommending that people limit consumption of channel catfish and largemouth bass caught from Bartlett Lake in Maricopa County. ADEQ is issuing this advisory because recent fish tissue samples from Bartlett Lake contained elevated levels of mercury. ADEQ recommends that adults limit consumption of channel catfish and largemouth bass to 2.4 ounces... Full story

  • Quillayute River System Tributaries To Close

    WDFW|Aug 1, 2015

    Action: Closes the Sol Duc, Bogachiel, Calawah, and Dickey rivers and all their tributaries, and upper 475 yards of the Quillayute River to all fishing. Effective date: Aug. 1, 2015, until further notice. Species affected: All species. Location: The Dickey River, Sol Duc River, Calawah River, Bogachiel River and all tributaries. The Quillayute River from the confluence of the Sol Duc and Bogachiel Rivers downstream 475 yards to fluorescent orange paint on rocks. Reason for action: Low water and... Full story

  • Summer Fishing In Full Swing As Hunters Begin To Take The Field

    WDFW|Aug 1, 2015

    Summer fisheries are now in full swing, providing some of the best fishing opportunities of the year. Washingtonians are reeling in salmon off the coast, pulling up pots full of crab in Puget Sound, and casting for trout in alpine lakes on both sides of the Cascades. Also this month, hunters will take to the field to hunt for black bear in the first big-game hunt of the season. Many others will also be out scouting hunting areas to prepare for deer and elk seasons beginning in September.... Full story

  • Congressional Hearing Explores Impacts of Biscayne National Park Fishing Closure

    ASA|Aug 1, 2015

    Alexandria, VA – August 3, 2015 – A joint Congressional hearing delved into concerns raised by members of the recreational fishing community, as well as other stakeholders, about the National Park Service's recent decision to close over 10,000 acres of Biscayne National Park to recreational fishing. The hearing entitled, "Restricted Access at Biscayne National Park and Implications for Fishermen, Small Businesses, the Local Economy and Environment" was held in Homestead, Fla., by the U.S. Hou... Full story

  • Marine Toxins Prompt Expansion Of Crab-Fishing Closure On Coast

    WDFW|Aug 1, 2015

    OLYMPIA - State shellfish managers today doubled the area of Washington's coast closed to crab fishing after finding elevated levels of marine toxins in crab tested north to the Queets River. Effective immediately, recreational and commercial crab fishing is prohibited in 45 miles of coastal waters from Point Chehalis to the Queets River, expanding on a closure in effect since early June that extends 45 miles south to the Columbia River. Dan Ayres, coastal shellfish manager for the Washington... Full story

  • Drought Conditions Prompt 'Hoot-Owl' Fishing Restrictions On Methow River

    WDFW|Aug 1, 2015

    Action: Methow River closed daily to fishing from 2 p.m. to midnight. Effective date: Aug. 5, 2015, until further notice. Species affected: All species. Location: The Methow River (Okanogan County) from County Road 1535 Bridge (lower Burma Road) upstream to Weeman Bridge (8 miles upstream of Winthrop). Reason for action: Afternoon water temperatures in the Methow River are approaching the upper limit for survival of trout. The Methow River receives significant fishing pressure during the summer.... Full story

  • Portion Of Marine Area 9 Closes To Salmon Fishing

    WDFW|Aug 1, 2015

    Action: Fishing for salmon is closed south and west of a line from Foulweather Bluff to Olele Point to the Hood Canal Bridge within Marine Catch Area 9 (Admiralty Inlet), except angling for salmon from shore is allowed from the Hood Canal Bridge to the northern boundary of Salsbury Point Park. Effective Date: Aug. 6 through Aug. 15, 2015. Species affected: Coho and pink salmon. Location: Waters south and west of a line from Foulweather Bluff to Olele Point to the Hood Canal Bridge in Marine... Full story

  • WFDW Schedules Meetings On Proposed Freshwater Gamefish Rules

    WDFW|Aug 1, 2015

    OLYMPIA – State fishery managers are seeking public comments on proposed sportfishing rules for the freshwater areas of Puget Sound and the Washington coast. As part of that effort, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has scheduled four meetings to discuss rules proposed for the 2016 season with the public. All but one of the proposals is specific to the rivers and lakes of the Puget Sound and coastal regions. The exception is a proposal for the lower Columbia River that was h... Full story

  • Fishing To Close On Clearwater And Salmon Rivers And Tributaries

    WDFW|Aug 1, 2015

    Action: Closes to all fishing the Clearwater River (Jefferson Co.) and its tributaries, and all tributaries to the Queets River, including the Salmon River outside Olympic National Park and the Quinault Indian Reservation. Effective date: Aug. 10, 2015, until further notice. Species affected: All species. Location: In west Jefferson County, the Clearwater River and its tributaries, and tributaries of the Queets River (Matheny Creek and the Salmon River outside Olympic National Park and the... Full story

  • Fishing To Close On Black River In Grays Harbor, Thurston Counties

    WDFW|Aug 1, 2015

    Action: Closes Black River within Grays Harbor and Thurston counties. Effective Dates: Aug. 12, 2015 until further notice. Species affected: All species. Location: Black River from the mouth upstream to Black Lake. Reason for action: Low stream flows, increased water temperatures, and higher potential encounter rates subject these fish to stress, injury, or death. Information Contact: Chad Herring, Region 6 Area Biologist 360-249 -1299. Fishers must have a current Washington fishing license,... Full story

  • San Diego, CA - Pacific Voyager Boats First Albacore

    Don McDowell, AZBW Salt Water Fishing Editor and Host Of Shake Rattle and Troll Radio|Aug 1, 2015

    Pacific Voyager boats the first Albacore of the 2015 season. Exact location not known however I suspect around the 100 mile mark. As many as six private boaters reported Albacore catch as well. More to follow as the Albacore bite develops. This very well could extend the season depending on the numbers.... Full story

  • Salmon Fishing Will Not Open On The Big Quilcene River

    WDFW|Aug 1, 2015

    Action: Close salmon fishing in all waters of the Big Quilcene River Effective date: Aug.16, 2015, until further notice. Species affected: Salmon. Location: All waters of the Big Quilcene River from the mouth to Highway 101. Reason for action: Flows in the Big Quilcene River are at less than half of average, water temperatures are elevated, and a large return of Endangered Species Act-listed summer chum is forecast to enter the river beginning in August. These conditions are not conducive to an... Full story

  • Fishing To Close On Newaukum River And All Tributaries

    WDFW|Aug 1, 2015

    Action: Closes the Newaukum River and all tributaries Effective Dates: Aug. 11, 2015, until further notice Species affected: All species Location: Newaukum River (Lewis Co.) and all tributaries Reason for action: Low waters are reducing the available holding habitat for spring chinook and concentrating them into fewer and smaller pools. This in turn makes them more vulnerable to fishing pressure. Increased water temperatures and higher potential encounter rates subject these fish to stress,... Full story

  • San Diego, Ca - Thomas Orozco

    AZBW|Aug 1, 2015

    Thomas Orozco, 15, of Union City, CA placed 1st in his age division at the International Game Fish Association Young Anglers Tournament held at Shelter Island Pier in San Diego, CA on August 8, 2015. Thomas caught and released Calico Bass, Sand Bass and Mackerel during the three hour tournament in which 125 kids ages 6-15 participated. This summer Thomas also won the IGFA Marin Rod & Gun Club Pier Tournament in San Rafael, CA on August 1, 2015. Thomas caught this rare 37 inch Guitarfish. Thomas... Full story

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