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Grand Canyon, AZ- Construction to replace two water pumps at the Grand Canyon National Park Indian Garden south pump house is beginning Sept. 23 and continuing into May 2020. The construction will require visitors to use a marked bypass trail around the construction site along the Bright Angel Trail. The pump house provides water to the park's South Rim, and outages from the pumps have contributed to multiple park-wide water conservation restrictions over the past five years. Replacing the... Full story
Most travel trailers have some form of heat, but it tends to be loud, dry and inefficient. The 250P from Aqua-Hot Heating Systems is different. It's an ultra-compact hydronic solution that delivers whisper-quiet, residential-quality warmth and continuous hot water. This is why RV technical pro John Carrillo installed it in his 32' Grand Design Imagine travel trailer and couldn't be happier with the results. Carrillo is no stranger to Aqua-Hot, having worked for the company for nine years before... Full story
A Clean RV Starts With Brite Wash , thinking harsh equals effective. Nothing could be further from the truth. It instead removes any previously applied protective products, makes it difficult to rinse and pollutes the environment with chemical runoff. Brite Wash from Shurhold is different. Safe to use on any surface without stripping wax or polish, it leaves a brilliant, clean finish and is biodegradable, so harmless to the environment. Brite Wash is scientifically formulated to powerfully... Full story
Almost thirty-five years ago, John and I and our American Brittany, Katie, went to Haigler Creek for the weekend. We camped in the woods right next to the creek and never saw anyone else the whole time we were there. Recently, John and I and our French Brittany, Mochi, went back to Haigler Creek just for a ride to get out of the heat. It makes for a great day trip, especially if you take the dirt roads down through Young afterwards and head north from there. Through Young The main road north... Full story
Arizona's White Mountains Invite You Just three hours from Phoenix and Tucson, Arizona's White Mountains boasts beautiful fall colors making it the perfect place to spend fall break. Some of our favorite viewing spots are Hawley Lake, Mount Baldy, Sunrise Mountain Resort and Alpine. After you spend the morning hiking, biking, boating or relaxing, be sure to come celebrate with fall festivities in Arizona's White Mountains towns. Come load up on corn, beer and crawfish at the Crawtober Fest in... Full story
Few people underestimate the dangers of an incorrectly wired home electrical system, yet RV owners routinely tolerate problems that would raise red flags if they happened at home. From seeing heat-browning and melted plastic around the shore power connection to a light "zap" when touching the RV, warning signs that something is wrong should be taken seriously before someone is injured or something catastrophic happens. SmartPlug Systems, pioneer in RV shore power safety, takes a close look at... Full story
Even after washing and thoroughly rinsing an RV, it's easy to have water spots left behind. Not only are they unsightly, but over time, being mineral deposits, they can actually etch and permanently mar the finish. Fortunately, with the right tools, removing them is easy. Shurhold, the leader in marine cleaning and maintenance, has a Clean-N-Simple tip that will save a great deal of time and effort when doing so: utilize a test spot. When polishing an RV, many owners start at one end and work... Full story
The Coconino National Forest is seeking public input on proposed fee implementation at the Clint's Well and Kehl Springs campgrounds, and fee increases at Blue Ridge, Rock Crossing, Knoll Lake, Elks, Long Valley Work Center and Moqui campgrounds on the Mogollon Rim Ranger District. Based on increased use at campgrounds, a fee increase and fee implementation is needed to continue site improvements and will help ensure that people can continue using and enjoying our campgrounds. Fees have not... Full story
"LET THERE BE LIGHT" -- Did you know that Lake Havasu City has more lighthouses than any other city in America? It's strange for a city in a landlocked state to boast such a thing, but it's true! We have 27 replica lighthouses lining our shores.... Full story
This Is A Seriously Fun Trip Living in Phoenix means that it is too darn hot to ride around in the desert in the summer, at least for me – and I'm a native. So when the temperatures get into the hundreds, we take to the hills like a lot of folks in Arizona. A couple of weeks ago we took what we call a "truck trip" – that means a road trip that doesn't require the side by side, so if it involves dirt roads, they are usually pretty tame. This trip was one I really enjoyed because we saw a lot of c... Full story
Recent news reports of hackers breaking into Wi-Fi systems to watch people through their own security cameras is chilling, especially when it's not too difficult to do. Glomex CamRV™ offers a host of features to RVers, but its security is unparalleled. It uses an encrypted one-to-one connection for 100% absolute security. Now, whether hundreds of miles away from the RV or sitting right outside it checking on children sleeping inside, only the owner has access to the real-time, streaming video f... Full story
At Desert Botanical Garden, summer Saturday nights shine with Flashlight Tours, June 1-August 31. All ages will have a blast getting hands-on during this self-guided nocturnal adventure through the Garden. Check out the night-blooming plants, animals that come out after-dark plus grab some food and drink and chill out. • Dates: Saturdays through August 31 • Time: 7 p.m. - 9:30 p.m. • Location: Desert Botanical Garden, 1201 N. Galvin Pkwy., Phoenix, AZ 85008 • Phone: (480) 941-1225 • Website:... Full story
Hear the untold stories of pottery sherds and discover what these pieces of the past can reveal. Find out how archaeologists rediscover history from pieces of pottery in "Fragments: Broken Bowls Tell More Tales", an exhibit running through August 2019 at Pueblo Grande Museum. This exhibition features sherds that connect the Hohokam with their neighbors across the Southwest and northern Mexico during the time of the European Renaissance. • Date: Through August 31 • Location: Pueblo Grande Mus... Full story
With only some fine tuning, including the installation of signage, the 6.4 miles of trails at Storm Ranch North (commonly referred to as the Storm Trails), just east of Peavine Trail, is now complete. The trails sit on the 160 acres purchased by the City of Prescott In January 2018. Trail construction began in early February 2018 and took Over the Hill Gang over 5,500 hours to complete. Noted for its variety, the trail system showcases narrow canyons, balanced rocks, boulder fields, and a... Full story
You Can Rent A Ramada For Small Or Large Groups Ramadas in city parks can be reserved for small or large groups, for an entire day or less. A reservation ensures your group of exclusive use of the ramada, and allows staff advance notice so that we can prepare for your group’s arrival. (We offer a 25 percent discount to City of Prescott residents.) • Ceremonial Pad Large Ramadas: Half Day (four hours or less) $150 Full Day (open to close) $300 • Medium Ramadas: Half Day (four hours or less)... Full story
Technology advances at blinding speed in the RV world. Few would expect something like a lowly pail to keep pace, but that was before the Deluxe One Bucket System. Shurhold Industries completely reimagined this invaluable item that belongs in every motorhome and trailer. Made in the USA, it transforms the cleaning process, and how products and tools are stored. The heart of the Deluxe One Bucket System is the World's Best Rope Handle Bucket. Thicker than the average plastic five-gallon pail,... Full story
Having an electrical outlet capable of monitoring and shutting itself off makes for one less thing to worry about while camping. Areas such as the galley, bathroom or outdoor kitchen can be made much safer by utilizing ground fault circuit interrupter receptacles. The GFCI Duplex Receptacle from Hubbell is UL-listed and designed to protect people from line-to-ground electrical shock hazards. Hubbell Marine's GFCI Duplex Receptacle complies with 2015 UL 943 by automatically monitoring circuit fun... Full story
As many people are gearing up to spend time outdoors this summer, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) reminds everyone planning to ride an off-highway vehicle (OHV) to do so safely and responsibly. Numerous fatal accidents last year involved utility task vehicles (UTVs) that rolled over and pinned the operator underneath. Wearing a seatbelt is critical because it will help keep the operator and any passengers inside the UTV in the event of an accident. If children are a part of the... Full story
Summer Hours Extended At Homestead National Monument Homestead National Monument of America has begun extended hours for the summer. The monument will be open daily from 8:30 a.m. to 6:00 p.m. through Labor Day Weekend. Along with the extended summer hours, the monument will offer a wide variety of special programs. The Freeman School will be open daily 1-4 p.m. The Freeman School will be opened by request other times as long as staffing permits. Parking areas and trails will continue to be... Full story
Grand Canyon National Park's summer season has begun; plan ahead to make the most of your trip! Trip Planning Tips Save time and purchase your entrance pass online! With Your Pass Now visitors can purchase their Grand Canyon annual pass ($70), motorcycle pass ($30), vehicle pass ($35) or pedestrian pass ($20) online before they get to the park. At the park entrance, just show either a printed copy of the pass or have it saved on their mobile device to enter the park. Visitors traveling from... Full story
Anyone who's ever used a touchscreen knows how dirty it can get, even without fingers covered in hand cream or sunblock. A late night bucket of chicken brings smudging to a whole new level. Shurhold Industries offers Clean-N-Simple Tips for keeping valuable electronics-and almost anything else on the RV-looking their best. It's an aerosol spray that cleans, polishes and protects in one step, without any greasy residue. To avoid headaches later, lock the electronics screen being cleaned. This... Full story
Air-Dryr Protects Valuables From Rust, Mold, Mildew Moisture is insidious. Even trace amounts can cause rust, mold and mildew to set in. The result can be anything from a blemish to the complete loss of an item. Air-Dryr from Davis Instruments is an effective and inexpensive way to stave off damaging humidity. Air-Dryr is engineered to operate 24/7. Plugged into a 110/120V outlet and placed as low as possible, it warms the damp air to above the dew point. As the dry air is released through the... Full story
Whether its home is on water, pavement, snow or a dirt trail, one of the first signs recreational equipment is aging is that its vinyl, leather, plastic or rubber is looking old and tired. Sun, heat, ozone, grime, suntan lotion and other contaminates all contribute to leaving them dirty, dry, brittle and faded. Vinyl and Leather Cleaner & Conditioner from Iosso Products is uniquely formulated to clean and refresh these surfaces. It leaves them looking and feeling like new and protected for... Full story
The Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Department initiated its annual fire ban at the first of May. “Given the abundance of rain we’ve received this year, we’ve had an outstanding wildflower season. Unfortunately, as the blooms and brush die off and dry out, the parks are left with dangerous levels of fuel loads on the ground that can ignite a wildfire with just a small spark. As a land manager, we believe the decision to implement sooner rather than later is the responsible thing to do to... Full story
Summer sunshine brings with it damaging UV rays. The resulting oxidation leaves RVs looking old and neglected. With the right tools, like Shurhold's World's Best Dual Action Polisher and a jar of Buff Magic, it's simple to restore the deep, lustrous finish to paint, gelcoat and metal. The World's Best Dual Action Polisher is also one of the simplest to use. Ideal for DIYers, its 5" random orbital head quickly removes chalky oxidation without the damaging burns and swirls common with higher-rpm... Full story