Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!


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  • Tonto National Forest Has Opened Many Recreation Sites

    Tonto National Forest|Jun 1, 2020

    As of May 15, many of the Tonto National Forest's developed recreation sites have opened for use. This includes all developed sites for the lower Salt River and Saguaro Lake, most developed sites at Apache, Canyon, and Roosevelt Lakes. Bartlett Lake sites are also open. "In conjunction with Governor Ducey's phased reopening of Arizona, we are opening many popular sites on the forest for public use and enjoyment," Tonto National Forest Supervisor Neil Bosworth said. "We recognize the importance... Full story

  • Father's Day Gifts

    Margie Anderson|Jun 1, 2020

    Surprise Dad With The Perfect Gift/Gifts If you're lucky enough to have a dad who loves the outdoors and shares his adventures with you, Father's Day is a great time to show your appreciation by giving him a little something to make his outdoor times even better. I've included ideas at many different price points, so hopefully you will find something that you think is just perfect for your dad. Fishing Dads Baits There are so many options if your dad likes to fish! Is he a bass fisherman? Head f... Full story

  • Mother's Day Gifts For Outdoors Moms

    Margie Anderson|May 1, 2020

    May is when we celebrate our moms, and if your mom is the outdoors type, I've got lots of ideas for special gifts. The great thing about gifts for camping is that many of them do double or even triple duty: They're great for camping, but also for survival and for moms who are preppers. So here are a bunch of ideas for your mom, whether she camps, off-roads, hikes, hunts, preps, fishes, or all of the above. Biolite Campstove 2 Bundle I've written about the BioLite CampStove before because I have... Full story

  • Dual Action Polisher Pro

    Jim Allen|May 1, 2020

    Many RVers have time on their hands. A great solo project is polishing the trailer or motor home with a Dual Action Polisher Pro from Shurhold. A powerful tool that's easy to use, it brings new life back to fiberglass and paint that's looking old and tired from oxidation, UV rays, salt and dirt. Using too robust a tool can cause burns and swirls. The Shurhold Dual Action Polisher Pro has a large, 21mm random orbital motion at 1,800–4,800 opm. This all but eliminates the damage other polishers ca... Full story

  • RV By Life

    Jim Allen|May 1, 2020

    Even the most cared-for RV will eventually show its age. Wind-borne debris and UV rays dull outside walls, leaving it looking old and tired. However, it's easy to bring back a showroom shine with RV by LIFE's two-part restoration process using PolyShine and Life Wax. PolyShine is a premium polish formulated specifically for use on fiberglass. Starting with a clean RV, the easy-to-use liquid polymer is applied by hand or electric buffer. If the vehicle is seriously oxidized, a rubbing compound... Full story

  • Get Outside!

    Margie Anderson|Apr 1, 2020

    The Japanese have a term "Shinrinyoku" that literally means "forest therapy". They know that getting outdoors soothes your soul and relaxes your mind. It is really good for kids to get outdoors and be able to run and play and explore nature – and yes, even get really dirty. My dad started taking me camping and hunting when I was very young, and I always love the feeling that you get when you leave the city behind. To this day, it lifts my spirits to get out where there are no buildings in v... Full story

  • Tonto Modifying Bulldog Canyon OHV Permit Process

    AZBW|Apr 1, 2020

    As of last month, people who ride an off-highway vehicle (OHV) in the Bulldog Canyon OHV area on the Mesa Ranger District must obtain a permit online through recreation.gov. The district will discontinue paper permits. According to Matt Lane, Mesa District Ranger, the permit process change is the result of growth. "An increase in public use of the Bulldog Canyon OHV area, along with the rising popularity of OHVs created a demand for permits that exceeds our capability to provide a quality... Full story

  • RV Restoration

    AZBW|Apr 1, 2020

    Even the most cared-for RV will eventually show its age. Wind-borne debris and UV rays dull outside walls, leaving it looking old and tired. However, it's easy to bring back a showroom shine with RV by LIFE's two-part restoration process using PolyShine and Life Wax. PolyShine is a premium polish formulated specifically for use on fiberglass. Starting with a clean RV, the easy-to-use liquid polymer is applied by hand or electric buffer. If the vehicle is seriously oxidized, a rubbing compound... Full story

  • Tonto National Forest Closes Developed Recreation Sites Forestwide

    Tonto National Forest|Apr 1, 2020

    The Tonto National Forest will begin the orderly closure of the following developed recreation sites as early as Monday, March 23, to protect public health and safety and align with state and local measures already in place to contain the COVID-19 outbreak. The developed recreation site closures will remain in effect until further notice. The Forest Service thanks all visitors and partners for their cooperation. Please report any instances of vandalism to facilities to the local ranger district... Full story

  • RV Social Distancing

    Jim Allen|Apr 1, 2020

    With large public events being canceled due to concerns over coronavirus COVID-19, RVing is perhaps the most enjoyable way to spend time with immediate family while still social distancing. Even away from the crowds, there are still everyday germs to contend with in and around a trailer, camper or motorhome. Shurhold, the leader in RV cleaning and maintenance products, has a Clean-N-Simple Tip to help sanitize the RV using a quality soap and Serious Shine. In a home, neatness counts when it... Full story

  • Life-Calk

    Jim Allen|Apr 1, 2020

    Even a minor water leak can cause serious and expensive damage to a motorhome, trailer or camper. That's why it is important to use a quality, industrial-grade sealant like Life-Calk® from RV by LIFE. Formulated specifically for use with RVs and made in the USA, Life-Calk is a long-lasting, permanently-flexible polysulfide compound for exterior or interior use. Unlike many sealants, high-quality Life-Calk bonds to fiberglass, wood, metal, glass and itself. It is resistant to gasoline and die... Full story

  • Brush Handles

    Jim Allen|Apr 1, 2020

    When using an RV brush or mop, few things are as frustrating as rubbing it up against the finish and leaving a scratch. Shurhold's Handle Mate PFD prevents this from happening. Slipped over the aluminum shaft of any of the company's Telescoping or Fixed Length Handles, it protects paint, fiberglass, chrome, acrylic and vinyl graphics from forehead-slapping accidents. Plus, if it does doubly-duty on a boat, it'll float the tool if dropped overboard. Handle Mate PFD is made from soft, durable... Full story

  • Sedona Updates Are Back!

    WOT|Apr 1, 2020

    Although some venues may temporarily be unavailable, they will be ready for you when the current crisis has passed. The seduction of the crimson Sedona sandstone has long captivated people around the world. Such stunning beauty in a beautiful yet easily accessible back country makes us unique – and attracts spiritual seekers, rugged outdoors types, and world class artists from sculptors to chefs. In the last two years we have been working toward keeping Sedona the Most Beautiful Place on E... Full story

  • Arizona Ghost Town Loop

    Margie Anderson|Mar 1, 2020

    Ever since I read about this loop, I've wanted to do it – the loop takes you through five ghost towns in southern Arizona, and it goes through some seriously beautiful country, too. We made Patagonia our headquarters for this adventure, and we did some great side trips as well. We devoted three days to this trip: a day to drive down to Patagonia with some side trips, a day to do the loop, and a day to drive home, again with some side trips. Picacho Peak State Park, Madera Canyon We stopped at P... Full story

  • Anderson Mill Off-Road Adventure

    Margie Anderson|Feb 1, 2020

    The ruins at Anderson Mill are sizable and a lot of fun to explore. There are stairs to climb and a great view from the top. We've been there twice, and took a different route each time, so I'm going to tell you about both. I recommend going there via San Domingo Wash, and returning via Little San Domingo Wash because both routes have interesting things to see. Processes Ores The mill itself used to process ores like pegmatite, and there are lots of mines around the mill. Pegmatite is igneous ro... Full story

  • Shurhold Brush

    AZBW|Jan 1, 2020

    Washing a large RV takes time, especially when a second tool is needed to get at tenacious dirt and grime. With Shurhold Industries' new 10" Soft/Medium Combo Brush, it's easy to cover a lot of ground while saving time, using only one tool. The versatile 10" Soft/Medium Combo Brush has a ring of long, soft fibers that are perfect for gentle washing. It pulls up lots of soap and water, saving on dunking time. When tougher scrubbing is needed, shorter, stiffer bristles hidden within the longer... Full story

  • Margie Anderson|Jan 1, 2020

    Arizona is such a diverse and beautiful state – we are blessed with everything from deserts to alpine areas. One of the organizations I appreciate most is the Nature Conservancy – they actually buy some of the most delicate and beautiful places, restore them if necessary, and keep them protected. In Arizona there are 12 preserves, protecting more than a million and a half acres....  Website

  • Grand Canyon Extending Permit Time

    GCNP|Jan 1, 2020

    Grand Canyon, AZ- Grand Canyon National Park's permit office is temporarily extending the permit processing time periods effective Feb. 14, 2020 until this summer. Thischange will impact commercial use authorizations (CUA) and special use permit (SUP)applications submitted after Feb. 14. Most special events and activities held in the park, such as weddings, organized group rim-to-rim trips and using the Shrine of the Ages, require a special usepermit. Basic SUPs currently take up to 30 days to... Full story

  • Great Gifts For The Outdoors

    Margie Anderson|Dec 1, 2019

    One of the best things about enjoying the outdoors is that you can do it no matter what your age or activity level is, and it doesn't matter if you live in town or out in the country. When I was a kid, I was lucky enough to live near a big desert area in town, and my dad regularly took us out camping and hunting, but even if I were just hanging around the house, I could lie on my belly in the grass and watch the bugs and the birds in our backyard. So, whether you're looking for a gift for a... Full story

  • Navajo Bridge Interpretive Center

    AZBW|Dec 1, 2019

    On Sunday, Dec. 1 the National Park Service's Navajo Bridge Interpretive Center near Lees Ferry closed for the season. The Navajo Bridge Interpretive Center will re-open next spring. The Navajo Bridge Interpretive Center is located on Highway 89A on the west side of Navajo Bridge, near Lees Ferry, Ariz.... Full story

  • Christmas Trees

    AZBW|Nov 1, 2019

    It's A Wonderful Christmas Tradition It's a holiday tradition for many families -- a trip to and into the woods, scoping out the perfect tree for Christmas, and finally, cutting down the one that you think is ideal, and then transporting it to your home. Although it sounds simple enough, there are requirements and restrictions you need to know before you go, but every step of the process is definitely worth it. The prize? A lovely fresh tree with that wonderful scent that cannot be duplicated... Full story

  • Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests Seek Input

    AZBW|Oct 1, 2019

    Comment period on revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement for motorized travel ends Tuesday, Oct. 29. The Apache-Sitgreaves National Forests (ASNFs) have released a revised Draft Environmental Impact Statement (DEIS) for ASNFs Public Motorized Travel Management Plan. The purpose of the plan is to comply with the federal Travel Management Rule by providing a system of roads, trails, and areas designated for motor vehicle use while protecting biological, physical, and cultural resources. Alte... Full story

  • Tesla Model 3

    GCNP|Oct 1, 2019

    The National Park Foundation, National Park Service, and the Department of Energy partnered with BMW of North America to donate 100 EV charging stations for locations in and near national parks. Electric vehicle (EV) destination travelers can add Grand Canyon National Park to their list. Six EV charging stations are available for visitors to use at Maswik North, Canyon Village Market and Yavapai Lodge. Three additional charging stations were installed for National Park Service (NPS) and partner... Full story

  • Arizona Lake Cruise

    Margie Anderson|Oct 1, 2019

    Canyon Lake We recently took a tour on Dolly Steamboat at Canyon Lake and it was great – in fact, it was even better than I expected. We met our best friends Ron and Debbie at the lake, and we brought our two college-aged granddaughters with us. The tour we chose was a special one: the Bighorn Sheep Tour. There were a bunch of Arizona Game and Fish experts on board with us, as well as several guys from the Arizona Bighorn Sheep Society. It was an amazing day. Over 50 Sheep! John and I have f... Full story

  • Centennial Trail

    AZBW|Sep 1, 2019

    Trails And Natural Parklands Portion Of Centennial Trail Reopens Contributors: Nancy Nesbit, Chris Hosking Due to new development in the area, about a third of Centennial Trail - an in-town trail that meanders through the boulders and canyons, with panoramic views of the City of Prescott, Rodeo Grounds, Thumb Butte, and Granite Mountain, and petroglyphs - was closed in November 2018. The closure was located in the middle third of the trail near the Kile Street trailhead and was due to blasting... Full story

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