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Public can help by texting "SENDWATER" to 41444. Water is the essence of life, and it's just as precious for Arizona's wildlife. As drought conditions continue to worsen across the Southwest, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is preparing for another record-setting year of delivering lifesaving water to thirsty Arizona wildlife. Three Million Gallons AZGFD trucked and airlifted an unprecedented 2.4 million gallons of life-sustaining water to catchments throughout the state in 2020.... Full story
The Arizona Wildlife Calendar photo contest entry deadline is August 13. Do you want to see your photo on the cover of Arizona Wildlife Views magazine? Do you have a knack for capturing great photos of wildlife? Then you won’t want to miss the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s 15th annual wildlife photo contest. One best in show and 11 first-place winners will be showcased in the 2022 calendar, which is published in the November-December issue of Arizona Wildlife Views. The best-in-show pho... Full story
Crime was committed in Game Management Unit 39. BUCKEYE, Ariz. - The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is seeking information about the recent poaching of a mature desert bighorn sheep ram in Game Management Unit 39 in the Buckeye Hills at Gillespie Dam, south of Buckeye. The incident took place in the evening of July 10. AZGFD officials have reason to believe a group of five Asian males seen leaving the scene at approximately 8:30 p.m. in a gray sedan and a black sport utility vehicle... Full story
These are only two of the myriad at Lost Our Home pet rescue. Scooby "Hi, my name is Scooby. I was brought to Lost Our Home Pet Rescue in November of 2020. I had a bit of a bumpy path because I was exposed to Parvo before entering the shelter. Since Parvo is very contagious, I was put on a medical hold for what seemed like forever. This made me sad because I didn't meet new people or hang out with other doggies for 30 days! Then I got tested, and everyone seemed very happy with the results...I... Full story
Record Number Of Mexican Wolf Pups Are Wild Fostered A record 22 captive-born Mexican wolf pups recently were placed in dens to be raised in the wild by their surrogate parents after another successful cross-foster season. For six years, wild Mexican wolves have been raising captive-born pups as their own, helping to boost the genetic diversity of this endangered subspecies and moving the wild population towards recovery.In April and May, nine pups were fostered into three different packs in eas... Full story
Public can help by texting "SENDWATER" to 41444. Water is the essence of life, and it's just as precious for Arizona's wildlife. As drought conditions continue to worsen across the Southwest, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is preparing for another record-setting year of delivering lifesaving water to thirsty Arizona wildlife. AZGFD trucked and airlifted an unprecedented 2.4 million gallons of life-sustaining water to catchments throughout the state in 2020. With little relief in... Full story
4 Species Of Rattlesnakes Call Arizona Home 264 bites recorded statewide in 2020. With more people getting outdoors to take advantage of the state’s warm, spring weather, it’s important to keep in mind that 13 species of rattlesnakes also call Arizona home. Depending on location, the species that are encountered most often are the Western diamondback, sidewinder, Mojave and black-tailed rattlesnakes. “Arizona has more rattlesnake species than any other state, and we can all celebrate that amazi... Full story
The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) reminds the public to leave baby wildlife alone. As temperatures rise and days grow longer, the newborns of many wildlife species are beginning to explore the world around them. AZGFD encourages people to resist the urge to help seemingly abandoned animals, including baby birds and young rabbits, as a parent is likely nearby and will return once humans have left the area. Can Have Negative Consequences "Picking up or 'rescuing' baby wildlife is often... Full story
12 bites recorded statewide in 2020. With more people getting outdoors to take advantage of the state's warm, spring weather, it's important to keep in mind that 13 species of rattlesnakes also call Arizona home. Depending on location, the species that are encountered most often are the Western diamondback, sidewinder, Mojave and black-tailed rattlesnakes. "Arizona has more rattlesnake species than any other state, and we can all celebrate that amazing biodiversity," said Thomas Jones, amphibia... Full story
Lifetime Or Pioneer Licenses May Be The Perfect Gift If you are looking for a meaningful gift for your mother or father, this may be it. What Is Arizona's Lifetime License Program? Arizona's lifetime general hunting and fishing license program is a unique opportunity for resident sportsmen and sportswomen to participate in the long-term funding of Arizona's Wildlife Conservation programs. The dollars derived from the sale of these special licenses will be deposited into the established Arizona... Full story
No cases found in nearly 1,600 samples tested from latest hunting seasons. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) has announced that Arizona continues to be clear of Chronic Wasting Disease (CWD), a fatal wildlife disease that affects the nervous system of deer and elk. Arizona's deer and elk populations remain free of CWD due to diligent surveillance efforts. Department officials did not find any cases of CWD in the 1,589 deer (mule and white-tailed) and elk that were sampled in 2020 -... Full story
The Arizona Big Game Super Raffle is back again and offering unique monthly prize packs! The Arizona Game and Fish Commission annually awards the organization a total of 10 Special Big Game Tags, one for each of the state's big game species - bighorn sheep, elk, mule deer, white-tailed deer, pronghorn, bison, turkey, bear, javelina and mountain lion. Raffle tickets are available for $5 to $25 each, depending on the species, and ticket sales go to on-the-ground conservation. The deadline to... Full story
More than 100 captive desert tortoises need forever homes . For some, a dog or cat will do just fine. But for others who are considering adopting something truly unique to Arizona, say hello to your next family member: a Sonoran desert tortoise. "Many people don't even consider opening up their homes to desert tortoises, but they make fantastic and personable pets," said Tegan Wolf, desert tortoise adoption program coordinator for the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD). "It's rewarding to... Full story
Deadline to submit nominations is April 30. The Wildlife for Tomorrow Foundation is soliciting nominations for this year's inductees into the Arizona Outdoor Hall of Fame. The Outdoor Hall of Fame annually recognizes individuals and organizations that have made significant and lasting contributions toward Arizona's wildlife, the welfare of its natural resources, and the state's outdoor heritage. Nominations will be accepted through April 30, 2021. To submit a nomination, download a form,... Full story
The wild population of Mexican wolves in the United States saw its fifth consecutive year of growth in 2020. According to the recent count, the U.S. population of Mexican wolves has increased by 14% since last year, raising the total number of wolves in the wild to a minimum of 186 animals. From November 2020 through January 2021, the Interagency Field Team (IFT) conducted ground counts in Arizona and New Mexico that concluded with aerial counts of Mexican wolves in January and February.... Full story
A reward for information leading to the arrest of the person(s) responsible for the poaching of several mule deer in October near Congress, Ariz., has been increased up to $10,000. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD), through its Operation Game Thief program, has increased its reward up to $3,000. In addition, several sportsmen's organizations and private companies are offering rewards up to the following amounts: Willmeng Construction ($3,000), Arizona Deer Association ($1,500), Mule... Full story
Pet stores urged to remove aquarium product from shelves; consumers should follow disposal guidelines. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD), along with wildlife agencies across the country, are urging pet stores and aquarium owners to take action now to contain any "moss ball" plants designed for aquariums after invasive zebra mussels were found on these products in Arizona as well as other states. This is a national invasive species emergency and evolving situation. Washington Alerts... Full story
The Arizona Game and Fish Commission Awards Banquet that is traditionally held in January has been rescheduled to Saturday, June 12, 2021. The banquet will be held at the Pointe Hilton Tapatio Cliffs Resort, Grande Ballroom, 11111 N. 7th St. in Phoenix. More information will be posted and distributed as it becomes available. Recipients of the 2020 Commission Awards who will be honored at this event are - Award of Excellence – Charlie Kelly Youth Conservationist of the Year – Jagrav Patel Med... Full story
Joan Rowton is a member of Veterans of Foreign Wars (VFW) Auxiliary Post 720 in Phoenix. She is an Arizona photographer who turns her exceptional photos into greeting cards that are sold to benefit the Post. No two cards are alike. Check out the upcoming Jammin' Jubilant Jamboree If you are interested in purchasing one or many more of Rowton's beautiful cards, email her at For more information, call the Post at (602) 620-6418 or stop by 4853 E. Thomas Road, Phoenix, Ariz.... Full story
Record number of cross-fostered pups captured and collared by field team. The Mexican Wolf Interagency Field Team (IFT) has successfully captured and radio-collared seven of this year's cross-fostered pups, documenting record success for the program. Last spring, members of the IFT and the Mexican Wolf Species Survival Plan cross-fostered a total of 20 genetically diverse wolf pups from captive facilities into litters of wild wolf packs. As part of ongoing efforts to record survival of cross-fos... Full story
Outdoor recreationists, pilots, drone operators asked to avoid nesting areas. Arizona’s bald eagles are preparing for the next generation of eagles at breeding sites statewide. To assist with the state’s continued bald eagle population growth, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) encourages outdoor recreationists, aircraft pilots, drone operators and motorized paragliders to do their part by not disturbing the state’s 92 eagle breeding areas. To protect breeding attempts, some porti... Full story
Cruise Zoolights For the first time in the history of the Phoenix Zoo, experience millions of twinkling lights and dazzling animal sculptures from the comfort of your own vehicle. Start your Cruise ZooLights adventure waving hello to Jengo and Tortuga at the Doornbos Discovery Amphitheater. Then cruise the newly added Outer Tropics Trail and enjoy the festive scenes of Polar Paradise in the Forest of Uco. Then experience the Africa Trail and see the all NEW Wildlife Lantern Safari, featuring 66... Full story
The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is getting ready to roll out a new and exciting way to keep people connected with the state's diverse wildlife. In addition to partnering with the Southwest Wildlife Conservation Center and Boyce Thompson Arboretum on a virtual speaker wildlife series during the pandemic, the department's Watchable Wildlife Program will be adding mostly critter-based lectures twice each month beginning Jan. 7. The 90-minute lectures will be hosted by AZGFD biologists... Full story
Arizona's bald eagles are back, and they will soon be preparing for the next generation of eagles at breeding sites statewide. To assist with the state's continued bald eagle population growth, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) encourages outdoor recreationists, aircraft pilots, drone operators and motorized paragliders to do their part by not disturbing the state's 92 eagle breeding areas. To protect breeding attempts, some portions of public land and water areas will be temporarily... Full story
The Arizona Game and Fish Commission, through its authority to regulate the take, handling, and possession of wildlife, approved the Notice of Final Rulemaking regarding rules for possessing live wildlife at a public meeting Dec. 4. This important update to the Commission's rules will help to protect Arizona's native wildlife and enhance public safety. This body of regulations is critical to the protection of Arizona's diverse native wildlife species from population level threats, such as the re... Full story