Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!


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  • U.S. Fish And Wildlife Service Proposes Reclassification Of Humpback Chub

    WOT|May 1, 2018

    Through collaborative conservation efforts, the once-dwindling endangered humpback chub has been given a fighting chance against the currents of extinction, building a wild population large enough to soon be reclassified as a threatened species by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. The success was due to the efforts and commitment of multiple agencies, including the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD); Colorado Fish, Wildlife and Parks; Utah Division of Wildlife Resources; U.S. Fish and... Full story

  • Operation Game Thief

    AZGFD|Apr 1, 2018

    Nearly 1,100 reports came into the 24×7 program Operation Game Thief to protect the state's wildlife. "Poachers are criminals." If you talk to any of the Arizona Game and Fish Department's wildlife managers, you're likely to hear that phrase repeated as they go about their work as part biologist, part law enforcement officer. As part of their duties, the department's 97 wildlife managers work to investigate potential poaching cases to ensure that the state's most precious natural resource -... Full story

  • Desert Botanical Gardens Butterflies

    Carol L Allen|Apr 1, 2018

    You'll be surrounded by hundreds of butterflies native to the Southwest at the Desert Botanical Garden's Spring Butterfly Exhibit. Mingle with colorful painted ladies, zebra longwings and more with new butterflies added to the exhibit weekly. Be sure to visit the caterpillar nursery and emergence chamber to see hungry caterpillars and watch butterflies emerge from their chrysalises. Open daily through May 13, the Spring Butterfly Exhibit is a delightful educational experience for children and... Full story

  • Rabies

    WOT|Apr 1, 2018

    Coconino County Public Health Services District (CCPHSD) officials are reminding individuals to take precautions to protect against rabies. Spring brings warmer weather and a rise in outdoor recreational activity, increasing the potential of exposure to wildlife. CCPSHD urges people to follow the following precautions to protect from rabies: • Avoid wildlife, especially those exhibiting unusual behaviors, such as showing no fear of humans, aggressive behavior, staggering and/or acting sickly, a... Full story

  • Lost Our Home Pet Rescue

    Carol L Allen|Apr 1, 2018

    Lost Our Home Pet Rescue knows that people love their pets. But sometimes hardship forces them apart. That's where we come in. As the only organization in the Valley focused on both pets and people in crisis, we are dedicated to rescuing pets abandoned or at risk of homelessness. We provide pet care when people find themselves in challenging life situations. Having no one to care for a precious pet when unexpected medical emergencies, surgeries or illness force people and their pets apart, can...

  • Dolphins

    AZBW|Apr 1, 2018

    Capt. Joe Dutra of Hornblower Cruises said he'd never seen anything like it. By Sarah Grieco - Published at 3:32 PM PST on Feb 15, 2013 | Updated at 9:30 AM PST on Feb 18, 2013 Thousands of dolphins spanning across 7 miles of ocean were sighted off the coast of San Diego on Thursday, a boat captain told NBC 7 San Diego. Capt. Joe Dutra of Hornblower Cruises said he saw a "super mega-pod" of common dolphins Thursday around noon while he was on his daily tour. He said the pod was more than 7... Full story

  • Arizona Elk Arrive In West Virginia

    AZBW|Apr 1, 2018

    For the first time in more than 150 years, elk are leaving their hoofprints on West Virginia soil. Dozens of elk that were captured and quarantined in January east of Flagstaff were loaded into a livestock trailer and transported nonstop to a release site in the Tomblin Wildlife Management Area in southwest West Virginia in early March. The elk were captured at the Raymond Wildlife Area through a partnership between the Arizona Game and Fish Department and the West Virginia Division of Natural R... Full story

  • Desert Tortoise

    AZGFD|Apr 1, 2018

    Approximately 50 desert tortoises will soon awaken from their winter slumber and the Arizona Game and Fish Tortoise Adoption program will once again be looking for good adoptive homes. There is no charge to adopt a tortoise. The desert tortoises up for adoption are a wide range of ages and sizes. AZGFD is accepting applications for those willing to provide a special home. Adoption application packets and general information can be found at www.azgfd.gov/tortoise. Adopters need to have a securely... Full story

  • Black-Footed Ferret

    AZGFD|Apr 1, 2018

    Survey results shine light on recovery effort in Aubrey Valley, on Double O Ranch. The Arizona Game and Fish Department is seeking volunteers to assist with spotlighting efforts to help document the population of endangered black-footed ferrets in Aubrey Valley and on the Double O Ranch near Seligman. As part of the recovery effort, the department has scheduled one remaining spring spotlighting project: April 26-29 (the department also conducts two spotlighting projects in the fall). The... Full story

  • AZSFWC - Arizona's 'Conserving Wildlife' License Plate Benefits Habitat, Education, Youth

    AZSFWC|Mar 1, 2018

    Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife Conservation's (AZSFWC) "Conserving Wildlife" license plate ended 2017 surpassing the prior year both in license plate sales and grant awards from the proceeds. Last year, AZSFWC, a nonprofit 501(c)(3) organization, awarded 16 different grants totaling $170,665 in funding. Putting this into perspective, it means 10,039 Conserving Wildlife license plates were purchased or renewed to fund those projects. Since 2012, the organization has awarded 100 grants totaling... Full story

  • The Humane Society of the United States Admits Major Defeat By A Coalition Of Arizona Wildlife Conservationists

    WOT|Mar 1, 2018

    FOR IMMEDIATE RELEASE - The Humane Society of the United States and their Arizona Shell Organization, Arizonans for Wildlife, Admit Major Defeat by a Coalition of Arizona Wildlife Conservationists Phoenix - The Humane Society of the United States (HSUS), a scandal laden political organization, waited until a slow news holiday weekend to announce their stunning failure to qualify an anti-science based wildlife management initiative for the upcoming 2018 ballot. In an excuse laden message to... Full story

  • Hybrid Calico Macaw

    Jim Allen|Mar 1, 2018

    Ziggy is a handsome Hybrid Calico Macaw (Greenwing x Military Macaw) who is missing the toes on both feet as well as the portions of his wings where his flight feathers would grow. Most likely he was born with these deformities due to poor hybrid genetics. Like all special needs birds, Ziggy does not realize that he has any "problems" and has adjusted to life exceptionally well. After living with a family for over 16 years, he was abandoned in their home when they moved. A neighbor alerted a... Full story

  • WDFW On Sea Otters, Pygmy Rabbits, And Grizzly Bears

    WDFW|Feb 1, 2018

    WDFW IS seeking comments on the draft status reviews for sea otters, pygmy rabbits, and grizzly bears. OLYMPIA – State wildlife managers are seeking public input on their recommendations to keep the pygmy rabbit and grizzly bear on the state's endangered species list, and to downlist the sea otter from endangered to threatened. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) periodically reviews the status of protected species in the state. The public can comment on the listing r... Full story

  • Mexican Wolf Population Survey Flight Operations Began Mid-January

    AZGFD|Feb 1, 2018

    Residents of Alpine, Ariz., Reserve, N.M., and surrounding areas may notice a low-flying helicopter in the region between through Saturday, Feb. 3 as biologists conduct their annual Mexican wolf population survey and capture. The flights are part of the Mexican wolf Reintroduction Project, a multi-agency cooperative effort among the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD), U.S. Forest Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture Animal and Plant Health Service... Full story

  • AZGFD Studies Cormorant Impact On Wildlife, Fish

    AZGFD|Feb 1, 2018

    The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) prides itself on providing ample fishing opportunities for its legions of anglers and the state's growing populations of cormorants have taken notice. State Has Two Species In early 2017, AZGFD began a study of the state's two species of the bird - neotropic and double-crested cormorants - both of which are federally protected under the Migratory Bird Treaty Act. Under those protections, cormorant populations have flourished nationwide, competing... Full story

  • Arizona Bald Eagle Breeding Season Leads To Restrictions

    AZGFD|Feb 1, 2018

    Each year as part of its highly successful program to manage and conserve bald eagles in the state, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) asks outdoor recreationists, aircraft pilots, drone operators and motorized paragliders to help this magnificent bird in Arizona. Various land and wildlife management agencies close areas around breeding locations during the birds' breeding season to protect the state's 67 breeding pairs of bald eagles. Some closure areas are located near popular... Full story

  • Helping People. Saving Pets

    Carol L Allen|Feb 1, 2018

    People love their pets. But sometimes hardship forces them apart. That's where we come in. As the only organization in the Valley focused on both pets and people in crisis, we are dedicated to rescuing pets abandoned or at risk of homelessness. We provide pet care when people find themselves in challenging life situations. When people are facing times of crisis that jeopardize their ability to care and provide for their pets, we are here to help. Some Unfortunate Factors Domestic Violence... Full story

  • AZGFD Seeks Citizen Scientists To Aid In American Kestrel Project

    AZGFD|Jan 1, 2018

    Standing at less than 11 inches tall, the American kestrel is a mighty bird of prey, yet the future of this fierce little falcon is uncertain, as populations are on the decline nationally. Locally, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is enlisting the help of landowners and citizen scientists to assist biologists as part of the American Kestrel Partnership, a program designed to collect data to be used to conserve this important species for future generations. AZGFD is participating in... Full story

  • 2017 Wildlife Photo Contest Winners Announced

    AZGFD|Jan 1, 2018

    Sometimes things happen when you least expect them. "I came upon this brave cactus wren taking on the cholla cactus," said Pamela Parker of Mesa, explaining how she got the winning shot of this year's wildlife photo contest. "I loved how the wren was framed by all the needles and had to take the photo." She kept a watchful eye, taking several shots and capturing the bird surrounded by the cactus. Parker used a handheld camera because she likes to be "on the same level as my subjects." She... Full story

  • Game And Fish Commission Opposes Proposed Initiative To Ban Hunting Of Wild Cats

    AZGFD|Jan 1, 2018

    At its regular December meeting, the Arizona Game and Fish Commission passed a motion in opposition to a proposed ballot initiative that would ban the hunting of mountain lions and bobcats and restrict management of the state's wild cats by the Arizona Game and Fish Department. The proposed initiative has not yet qualified for the ballot, but the Commission regularly takes positions on federal and state legislation with potential impact on the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) and the... Full story

  • Lost Our Home Pet Rescue - Home At Last

    Jan 1, 2018

    The Home At Last campaign will raise $1.75 million to purchase the building we currently occupy and make some significant renovations that include the following: • additional kennels to increase capacity • improvements to dog and cat living spaces • a new canine medical room • custom catios for all of the cat rooms • installation of a fire sprinkler system But that's just the beginning of our exciting news! We are thrilled to share that we have received a $1,000,000 donation from an anonymous... Full story

  • Endangered Gila Topminnow Returns To Santa Cruz River Near Tucson

    AZGFD|Jan 1, 2018

    After an absence of more than 70 years, the endangered Gila topminnow has reappeared in the Santa Cruz River in northwest Tucson, fish surveys conducted in November confirm. Scientists were hopeful native fish would return to the river near Tucson after the river's water quality significantly improved following upgrades to wastewater-treatment facilities releasing effluent (highly treated wastewater) into the river at Agua Nueva and Tres Rios treatment plants in 2013. The native Arizona... Full story

  • Rescued - Be A Hero For Wildlife

    AZGFD|Jan 1, 2018

    You can help sick or injured wildlife not only on a Giving Tuesday, but also on any day of the year. The Arizona Game and Fish Department's Wildlife Center treats sick, injured or orphaned wildlife. Some can be released to the wild, but those that can't require continued care, either as "wildlife ambassadors" for educational presentations at local schools and community events, or for placement in a zoo or wildlife sanctuary. The animals pictured with this story have all been rescued during the... Full story

  • Wildlife Center Is Operated By AZGFD

    AZGFD|Dec 1, 2017

    The Arizona Game and Fish Department manages more than 800 native species and the public had a chance to visit with come of them on Wildlife Day in November. This free family friendly event was designed to allow the public to meet their wildlife neighbors up close, while helping raise funds for the AZGFD Wildlife Center. "The Wildlife Center is often the first stop for many wildlife needing lifesaving care," said AZGFD Wildlife Education Program Manager Mike Demlong. "Wildlife Day helps us to...

  • Sandhill Cranes Wing Their Way Back To Arizona

    AZGFD|Dec 1, 2017

    It happens every year. As if on cue, they pick up and travel thousands of miles from places like Idaho, Wyoming and Montana, and some from as far away as Canada, Alaska and even Siberia. They are Arizona's true "snowbirds," content to spend winter days basking under mild, sunny skies before getting the itch to turn around and head back north sometime in March or early April. For the past few weeks, sandhill cranes by the thousands have been trumpeting their annual arrival in southeastern... Full story

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