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PHOENIX -- A peregrine falcon chick hatched in a nest box on a downtown Phoenix high-rise was seen struggling this weekend, causing the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) to take action. The wild peregrine chick, whose hatching was captured by a dedicated web-video camera, was having difficulty using its legs, causing it to fall and flail its wings.... Website
To: John ("JK") Koleszar & Western Outdoor Times, Arizona Boating and Watersports Re: "Western Wildlife" article in the February 2016 edition, "Wake Zone, What Price is Enough?" Challenge Accepted I would like to submit a response to the heavily opinionated piece that was published in the February 2016 "Western Wildlife" section of the Western Outdoor Times by John Koleszar. My response is that Mr. Koleszar seems to have written a biased piece without including many facts about wild horses and b... Full story
In 2006, I wrote a lengthy article about the inequities involved in the pay structure for the law enforcement personnel in the Arizona Game & Fish Department. The department was losing their personnel to competing agencies across the board. Some were leaving for DPS (Department of Public Safety) some were opting for local police departments and some were going to the local county sheriffs offices. At that time, the then director for the Arizona Game & Fish Department was Duane Schroufe. The... Full story
Two words that strike fear in many a shelter workers hearts -"kitten season". What is kitten season you ask? Kitten season is the time of year when cats give birth, flooding animal shelters across the nation with homeless litters. Kitten season is really three seasons in one, starting in spring, peaking in late spring or early summer, and ending in fall. It may begin sooner and last a little longer here in Arizona because of our nice warm weather (lucky us!) We are also in need of puppy... Full story
From The Great Folks At Fur & Feather Hello everybody and we hope this update finds you all doing well. It is a wonderful new year and spring is upon us! A lot has happened over the last few months. Tango, our special girl who has been with us six years, found a forever home. She chose her person. It is going well with Tango and her new family. We have had a few great adoptions, and many new dogs have come to us recently. New Team Members We have been moving forward as usual, and a lot has... Full story
OLYMPIA – Black bears are beginning to emerge from winter dens across the state, prompting state wildlife managers to remind residents how to avoid possible conflicts with hungry animals looking to scavenge an easy meal. Reports of black bear activity have increased in recent weeks, many involving reports of bears getting into dog food, garbage cans, and bird feeders, said Rich Beausoleil, bear and cougar specialist for the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW). “Black bears are hun... Full story
Starting this month, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) hopes to conduct controlled burns on parts of the Sinlahekin, Scotch Creek, and Sherman Creek wildlife areas in northeast Washington to reduce wildfire risks and enhance wildlife habitat. Depending on weather conditions and approval from the Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR), controlled burns could start as early as April 12 on a total of 27 acres of the Sinlahekin Wildlife Area in Okanogan County. Also... Full story
OLYMPIA – State wildlife managers are seeking public input on their recommendations to keep Columbian white-tailed deer and Taylor’s checkerspot butterflies on Washington’s endangered species list. The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) periodically reviews the status of protected species in the state. The public can comment through July 9 on the listing recommendations and recently updated status reports for Columbian white-tailed deer and Taylor’s checkerspots. The draft r... Full story
April is the month of Arbor Day and Earth Day, and this year both are promoting something we advocate for wildlife habitat -- tree planting. Arbor Day has always been about planting trees, starting in 1872 in Nebraska and officially celebrated nationwide on the last Friday of April. Washington state traditionally celebrates Arbor Day the second Wednesday of the month, April 13 this year. Earth Day began on April 22, 1970 at the start of the movement when the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA)... Full story
OLYMPIA – Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) has closed public access to the Fir Island Farms Reserve, where work has begun to restore 131 acres of tidal marsh in the Skagit River Delta. Trucks and heavy equipment are scheduled to begin work next week in the second year of a two-year project to replace the existing mile-long dike with one designed to improve habitat for fish and wildlife, said Belinda Rotton, Skagit Wildlife Area manager. Rotton said the popular birding area, p... Full story
One of the best of Arizona's no-kill shelters is in Tempe, Ariz.: Lost Our Home Pet Rescue. They need and welcome volunteers - for whom thorough training is provided - to help provide not only temporary homes for dogs and cats, but also careful care, and adoption services. Right now, LOH has a few more great opportunities with which they need assistance: PetSmart Volunteers Needed We have a great opportunity to possibly get more dogs and cats adopted by getting into another PetSmart location... Full story
Every year the State of Arizona convenes the legislature in January and all kinds of bills pop up. Some are ludicrous (just ask Representative Townsend) and some are a response to critical problems. This year the Arizona Game & Fish Department has been pushing for SB1361 to be approved. What Is SB1361? What is SB1361 and why are a few select former commissioners screaming? Back in 1990, The Heritage Fund (Indian gaming monies) awarded an annual amount of $10 million dollars to the Arizona Game a... Full story
For more than 20 years, the Heritage Fund has made a difference not just to wildlife conservation efforts, but also to the state's economy, public access, environmental education and outdoor recreation. Passed by voters as a ballot initiative in 1990 by a 2-1 ratio, the fund provides up to $10 million each year from Arizona lottery proceeds to the Arizona Game and Fish Department for the conservation and protection of the state's wildlife and natural areas. Protect, Provide, Educate The... Full story
Grand Canyon, Ariz. – The National Park Service (NPS) has announced a 30-day public comment period seeking input on changes to the scope of the Bison Management Plan at Grand Canyon National Park. The focus of the planning effort will shift from development of a long-term management plan for North Rim bison to initial herd reduction. In spring 2014, in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA), the NPS initiated public scoping for an environmental impact statement (EIS) to d... Full story
OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is seeking updated information about nine wildlife species as part of a review of native wildlife populations listed by the state as endangered, threatened or sensitive. WDFW will accept public comments through Feb. 25, 2017, on sea otters, grizzly bears, ferruginous hawks, northern leopard frogs, Larch Mountain salamanders, and four species of whales, including sei, North Pacific right, blue and fin. More information on these s... Full story
OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) and forest landowners are preparing to move forward on a joint strategy to help protect the fisher, a member of the weasel family currently under consideration for federal listing as a threatened species. The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (USFWS) is accepting public comments through March 30 on a proposed agreement with WDFW that, if approved, will extend incentives to landowners who take steps to protect fishers that move onto t... Full story
John ("JK") Koleszar can be reached at Before anyone sets out the lynch mobs, let me be perfectly clear - I really like horses. I rode them for years, found them to be beautiful and, in many cases, like family members. I also love elk, deer, javelina, antelope, desert bighorn sheep and a host of other creatures. The problem that I have is in the prevailing attitude of those who proclaim the absolute love of only horses. I did a little digging, courtesy... Full story
Updated Wildlife Rules Now In Effect. The Arizona Game and Fish Department, as part of its regular five-year review rulemaking process, has updated its Article 4 (Live Wildlife) rules. The new provisions became effective in December 2015 and were approved by the Governor's Regulatory Review Council. The new provisions include some notable changes including the following: • Removal of hedgehogs from the restricted live wildlife list to allow them as pets. • Prohibitions on possession of any non... Full story
Arizona Sportsmen for Wildlife Conservation (AZSFWC) is pleased to present this beautiful specialty license plate. By purchasing this plate you will be making a contribution to Arizona's wildlife and wildlife habitat. Seventeen dollars ($17) of each twenty-five ($25) special license fee will go to AZSFWC's Wildlife Conservation Habitat Fund. The AZSFWC will review and approve all grants from the special license plate program revenues. These grants will fund important outdoor recreational and... Full story
Are you interested in fostering an LOH dog or cat? If so, the first step is to attend a foster orientation so that you will have a complete understanding of how our foster program works and what is required of our foster pet parents. Fostering one of our shelter pets helps them experience a home environment until they are adopted. It also gives us valuable information about the behavior and personality of the pet that we may not be able to observe in our shelter environment. We have adorable... Full story
Temperatures are warming, birds are singing and the lower Columbia River will soon be teeming with spring chinook salmon. Spring is still a ways off, but February offers plenty of opportunities to enjoy the outdoors. State fishery managers expect about 299,000 adult spring chinook to the Columbia River this year. The fishery is open now below the Interstate 5 Bridge, but it usually doesn’t catch fire until March when fishing expands upriver to Bonneville Dam and beyond. For information about the... Full story
Spring may officially be several weeks off, but now is the time to get your bird nest boxes cleaned out and ready for new, incoming occupants. If you don’t already have nest boxes up, this is the time to either build or buy and place them, following our specs at Many backyard birding enthusiasts who use nest boxes leave them up year-round and leave nesting materials in them through the winter, when some birds will use them as nightime r... Full story
It is the role of the Arizona Game and Fish Department to conserve, protect and manage more than 800 wildlife species within the state's boundaries – more than any non-coastal state in our nation. To fulfill that promise, the Arizona Game and Fish Commission and Department must stand as a barrier against all threats to our wildlife. It's a heavy responsibility carried out by all who serve at the Department, and it's why we are pressuring the federal government to provide the U.S. Bureau of L... Full story
The Arizona Game and Fish Department, as part of its regular five-year review rulemaking process, has updated its Article 4 (Live Wildlife) rules. The new provisions became effective Dec. 5. The updated rules were recently approved by the Governor’s Regulatory Review Council. The new provisions include some notable changes including the following: • Removal of hedgehogs from the restricted live wildlife list to allow them as pets, • Prohibitions on possession of any non-human primate speci... Full story
Each year the Arizona Deer Association works with the Arizona Game & Fish Department Development Branch on worthwhile projects designed to help all wildlife but in particular, deer. The photos that you see are really the culmination of years of activity prior to the actual production of this walk-in water trough. For those who are not familiar with it, this article is a primer on how things get done. Every year HPC (Habitat Partnership Committee) groups meet all across the state. Water happens... Full story