Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!


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  • Icy Cold Was The Summer – Chapter One, Part One Of AZBW Serial

    Carol L. Allen|Sep 15, 2014

    A Novel By Carol L. Allen Dedication Icy Cold Was the Summer I dedicate to my husband Jim who traveled with me during the summer of 1995, who shares my love of the United Kingdom and her people and who has patiently encouraged me with my writing. Chapters Two, Three and Four--"Travel Log Trilogy"-- I dedicate to my own personal trilogy, my three daughters: Lisa, Christi and Chelle. Introduction I had no idea, when I began my travel log of our summer in the United Kingdom, how much of the beauty... Full story

  • Facilities on Grand Canyon's North Rim To Begin Seasonal Closures- Park Remains Open For Day Use

    GCNP|Sep 15, 2014

    Grand Canyon, AZ – The staff on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park will begin to shut down most visitor services and facilities on Thursday, October 16; the North Rim will remain open to visitors through December 1 or until snow closes Highway 67 leading into the park. Regularly scheduled ranger-led programs will be offered through October 15. The Visitor Center will close for the season beginning October 20. Reservations for the Grand Canyon Lodge North Rim, operated by Forever R... Full story

  • How Not To Die Outdoors

    Margie Anderson|Aug 15, 2014

    Common sense, awareness classes, safety products can all ensure that you enjoy the outdoors and avoid accidents. By Guest Editor Margie Anderson Nobody likes to think about death, especially when you are planning a fun trip to the beautiful Arizona outdoors. But, the fact is, people do die outdoors. That's the bad news, but the good news is that you can go a long way toward preventing that from happening to you or those you love. Boating Boating in Arizona is awesome - we have a number of very... Full story

  • Senate Strangles Bipartisan Sportsmen's Act Of 2014

    ASA|Jul 15, 2014

    July 10, the U.S. Senate effectively killed the Bipartisan Sportsmen's Act of 2014 when it failed to pass a vote that would have moved the bill forward. After 81 amendments were offered to the bill, many of which were not supported by the sporting community or germane to the original bill, the vote reflected the partisan animosity of the mid-year elections. The bill had 46 cosponsors and had the strong support of most hunting and angling organizations and many conservation organizations. A... Full story

  • Kanabownits Fire Continues To Burn On The North Rim Of The Grand Canyon

    WOT, Grand Canyon National Park Service|Jul 15, 2014

    Grand Canyon, Ariz. – National Park Service fire managers on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon are managing the Kanabownits Fire for multiple objectives. Lightning ignited the fire Tuesday, July 8, about one mile northeast of the historic Kanabownits Cabin on the Walla Valley Peninsula. The Kanabownits Fire, mapped July 24 at 260 acres, experienced minimal growth for several days until fire behavior increased with hot, dry weather this week. The fire, which is burning in the 2003 Poplar Fire b... Full story

  • McCain Amendments To Sportsmen's Act

    AZGFD|Jun 15, 2014

    Amendments would enhance hunting and fishing opportunities in Arizona. The Arizona Game and Fish Commission has voted unanimously to support two amendments proposed by Sen. John McCain (R-Ariz.) to the Bipartisan Sportsmen’s Act of 2014, to support hunting and sportfishing opportunities in Arizona and across the nation. "Senator McCain continues to be a leading advocate for maintaining and strengthening the state's wildlife management authorities,” said Game and Fish Commission Chair J.W. Har... Full story

  • Arizonans Encouraged To Prepare For Severe Weather Hazards

    AZBW|Jun 15, 2014

    In early June, Governor Jan Brewer proclaimed a Monsoon Awareness Week in Arizona in anticipation of the 2014 monsoon season and summer severe weather hazards. However, the message from that week is relevant throughout the season. Arizona's monsoon spans the hot summer months of June to mid-September. Extreme heat alone can cause dehydration, heat exhaustion and heat stroke. People over 65 years old, children under 5, persons with a pre-existing medical condition, and individuals who work... Full story

  • Kayaker Fatality at Badger Rapids on Colorado River in Grand Canyon National Park

    AZBW, NPS|Jun 15, 2014

    Grand Canyon, Ariz. – On Wednesday, June 11 at approximately 2:00 p.m. the National Park Service received a call reporting an unconscious male kayaker at Badger Rapids, river mile 8 on the Colorado River within Grand Canyon National Park. The victim was in a kayak that capsized in Badger Rapids where he was unable to right himself. The safety boat was able to reach the kayak and found the victim initially responsive but he soon lost consciousness. Members of the party initiated CPR that was c... Full story

  • Arizona: US Forest Service to Temporarily Prohibit Recreational Shooting in Parts of Coronado National Forest

    AZBW|Jun 15, 2014

    Yesterday, the U.S. Forest Service announced that beginning on July 1, 2014, the Coronado National Forest, Sierra Vista Ranger District, will close Ash and Hunter Canyons to all recreational shooting for the duration of one year. This ban on recreational shooting comes with very little advance notice, and no prior consultation with the NRA to prevent a closure. Your NRA is now committed to working with the Sierra Vista Ranger District to formulate a cohesive solution and limit the prohibition... Full story

  • Missing Man on Colorado River within Grand Canyon National Park

    GCNP|Jun 15, 2014

    Grand Canyon, Ariz. – On Friday, June 27 at approximately 3:40 p.m. the National Park Service received a satellite phone call from a commercial river trip reporting a missing passenger at River Mile 157 known as Havasu Rapids. Victor Tseng of Phoenix, AZ reportedly fell from a ledge into the river at approximately 3:10 p.m. Tseng was not wearing a personal flotation device at the time and was last seen by members of his party below Havasu Rapids. Tseng is described as 68 years old, 5’7, 175 pou... Full story

  • Hiker Fatality on Bright Angel Trail at Grand Canyon National Park

    GCNP|Jun 15, 2014

    Grand Canyon, Ariz. – At approximately 11:30 am the Grand Canyon Regional Communications Center received a call reporting CPR in progress just above Three-Mile Rest House on the Bright Angel Trail. Bystanders initiated CPR and National Park Service personnel responded from up trail and assisted with resuscitation efforts. The National Park Service helicopter was able to divert from another medical call at Indian Gardens and respond immediately to Three-Mile Rest House providing Advanced Life S... Full story

  • Body recovered from Colorado River in Grand Canyon

    GCNP|Jun 15, 2014

    Grand Canyon, Ariz. – This morning at approximately 9:30 the National Park Service received a call from a commercial river trip that had located a body in the Colorado River at approximately River Mile 182 on river right within Grand Canyon National Park. Park rangers responded and recovered the body, which was then flown to the South Rim and transferred to the Coconino County Medical Examiner’s Office in Flagstaff, Arizona. The body was recovered approximately 25 miles downriver from where 68... Full story

  • Lake Powell On Its Way To A40-Foot Rise

    AZBW, Friends of Lake Powell|Jun 15, 2014

    PAGE, Ariz. – Lake Powell is rising a foot per day as abundant snowpack in northern Colorado and Wyoming continues to feed the Colorado and Green Rivers. Runoff into Lake Powell that began in earnest in the middle of May has reached 60,000 cfs leading to a rapid rise in lake level that will continue through the month of June. That is good news for boaters. The rising water has opened the Castle Rock Cut near Wahweap Marina. There is now safe passage for boats of all sizes including tour boats d... Full story

  • Arizona State Parks Accepting Grant Applications For Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program

    ASP|Jun 15, 2014

    (Phoenix, AZ - July 8, 2014) - On June 16, 2014 the National Park Service (NPS) released guidelines for a new nationwide pilot grant program called the "Outdoor Recreation Legacy Partnership Program." The program is for projects that will create or reinvigorate parks and other outdoor recreation spaces in ways that will encourage people, especially youth, to connect or re-connect with the outdoors. Priority will be given to projects located in urbanized communities that are economically... Full story

  • ASRPA Clay Target Tournament To Celebrate American Freedoms

    AZBW, Marci Welton|Jun 15, 2014

    Phoenix, AZ - Bring your family on Saturday, September 13th, and enjoy a fun morning shooting clay targets at Ben Avery's Clay Target Center, 5060 W. Skeet Street, Phoenix, AZ, 85086. Hosted by Arizona State Rifle & Pistol Association's Shotgun Division, in commemoration of 9/11 and protecting our American freedoms, the event begins with a NRA Day fun shoot for beginners at 8 – 11 AM, and is a great opportunity to try sporting clays with one-on-one shotgun instruction. At 9 AM, the "100 Big B... Full story


    CDBW|May 15, 2014

    SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Water enthusiasts should take serious precautions against cold temperatures and swift currents when in or near water this spring. Despite this year’s below-normal snowfall, the spring snowmelt can still result in swift and cold river flows that can create treacherous conditions for all recreationists – waders, swimmers, paddlers, boaters, anglers, and even hikers cooling off at the water’s edge. Lower water levels can also expose hazards or make them closer to the surface... Full story

  • WDFW Director Phil Anderson On The Passing Of Billy Frank Jr.

    AZBW, Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife|May 15, 2014

    "Billy Frank Jr. was one of the greatest men I have ever known. He was a no-nonsense and straightforward communicator while at the same time warm and caring of other human beings. I looked forward to the embrace I got every time we met and was honored to have known him for so many years. "I will never forget the twinkle in his eye when he saw and spoke with the young people who gathered with him at the 40th anniversary of the Boldt decision, held just a few months ago. It was clear that family...

  • Fire restrictions throughout Arizona begin Memorial Day weekend

    AZGFD|May 15, 2014

    PHOENIX – To reduce the looming threat of summer wildfires following one of Arizona’s driest winters on record, officials have announced fire restrictions for many locations throughout Arizona. The restrictions take effect just as the busy Memorial Day weekend begins on Friday, May 23. Fire danger conditions, local closures and restrictions are subject to change. Many of the state’s most popular destinations will be affected by the fire restrictions that take effect this Friday. Stage II and e... Full story

  • State Forester Issues Stage 2 Fire Restrictions

    AZBW, Arizona State Forestry Division|May 15, 2014

    PHOENIX, AZ (May 28, 2014) – Due to the continued elevated risk of wildfire in the State of Arizona, State Forester Scott Hunt announced today that the Arizona State Forestry Division will be implementing Stage 2 fire restrictions on State-owned and State-managed lands. The restrictions are effective May 30, 2014 at 0800 hrs and will continue until further notice. These elevated fire restrictions are necessary due to existing very high to extreme fire danger to prevent human-caused wildfires a... Full story

  • Multiple Fire Starts on North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park

    WOT, Grand Canyon National Park|May 15, 2014

    Grand Canyon, Ariz. – On Friday, May 23, four fire starts were reported on the North Rim of Grand Canyon National Park. The North Rim of the park is currently at High fire danger and the South Rim is at Very High. A storm this afternoon produced rain and hail on the North Rim moderating fire behavior. Two fires are actively being suppressed; the first is located on Uncle Jim Point (east of the developed area) and is approximately 1/3 of an acre. The second fire is located on the Tail of the D... Full story

  • Galahad Fire to be Managed for Multiple Objectives on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon

    WOT, Grand Canyon National Park|May 15, 2014

    Grand Canyon, Ariz. – National Park Service fire managers on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon have decided to manage the Galahad Fire for multiple objectives. The lightning-caused Galahad Fire was discovered in Grand Canyon National Park on Friday, May 23, 2014 and is approximately 223 acres in size. Current fire behavior is moderate with isolated and group torching in Ponderosa Pine. The fire is located approximately 1 mile south west of the historic Kanabownits Cabin on the Walla Valley P... Full story

  • Grand Canyon National Park Hosting 24th Annual Star Party

    WOT, Grand Canyon National Park|May 15, 2014

    Grand Canyon, AZ - The twenty-fourth annual Grand Canyon Star Party will be held from Saturday, June 21 through Saturday, June 28, 2014 on the South and North Rims of Grand Canyon National Park. This event is sponsored by the National Park Service, the Tucson Amateur Astronomy Association (South Rim), and the Saguaro Astronomy Club of Phoenix (North Rim), with funding from Grand Canyon Association. Amateur astronomers from across the country will volunteer their expertise. Free slide programs...

  • Galahad Fire Continues to Meet Objectives

    WOT, Grand Canyon National Park|May 15, 2014

    Grand Canyon, Ariz. – National Park Service fire managers on the North Rim of the Grand Canyon are managing the Galahad Fire for both resource and protection objectives. Resource objectives for the fire include returning fire to a fire-adapted ecosystem in order to maintain forest health. Protection objectives for the fire include protection of sensitive cultural resources and wildlife habitat. The fire grew to approximately 711 acres today. Today firefighters initiated structure protection a... Full story

  • New Products

    AZBW|May 15, 2014

    Visit Arizona Boating & Watersports New Products section at http://azbw.com/newproductsreview.php to find a variety of great products. Seakeeper Launches Demo Tour Aboard OBX 345 Express The latest advances in gyro stabilization can now be experienced firsthand aboard the new Seakeeper demo boat, a custom 345 Express from OBX Boatworks. Seakeeper is showcasing the new vessel with an East coast US tour from June through September, including stops at major fishing tournaments. Tagged "the... Full story

  • New SBA Chief / SBA Steps In

    Bob Steger|Apr 15, 2014

    I guess this week I am going to merge two topics the SBA’s new head and how the SBA is now stepping in and getting involved as a watchdog for small businesses within the Federal Government for contracting purposes. SBA New Chief Maria Contreras-Sweet has just been appointed the new head of the SBA. She is the 24th head of the SBA. I find her past experienced to be well aligned with supporting the growth of small business as she was one of the founders of ProAmerica Bank which was formed in L...

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