Sorted by date Results 226 - 250 of 389
(PHOENIX) – The Arizona Office of the Auditor General has conducted an audit of the Arizona Game and Fish Department and made its report public today on the Auditor General’s website ( The audit thoroughly examined the Game and Fish Department’s systems, programs, resources and personnel and provided recommendations for enhancements in three areas: internal controls, big game draw process, and information technology. “We appreciate the diligence of the Office of the Audito... Full story
The States Organization for Boating Access (SOBA) has presented the Arizona Game and Fish Department with their annual Outstanding Project Award for the Pena Blanca Lake Boating Access Renovation project. SOBA Outstanding Project awards were given to agencies or organizations involved in boating-access projects that are of high quality, innovative, unique and economical. The Pena Blanca Lake project, completed entirely by Arizona Game and Fish Department in coordination with the Coronado... Full story
The Theodore Roosevelt Conservation Partnership (TRCP) is seeking a talented and passionate individual, who is committed to fish and wildlife conservation, to join our Western team as the TRCP Arizona Field Representative. The successful applicant will participate as a member of the “TRCP Center for Western Lands” field team. TRCP’s Center for Western Lands primarily focuses on wildlife conservation policy and land use policy on public lands throughout the Western U.S. Field repre... Full story
Hours after his birth, Breeze was found stumbling around by a farmer. The newborn foal was abandoned by his mother. That's when the farmer took him to Devon-based Mare and Foal Sanctuary where they instantly started caring for him. What happened next is both adorable and heartwarming. Staff put a 4-foot giant teddy bear in with Breeze. The bear's name is Buttons and Breeze quickly warmed up to him Without his mother, Breeze has found an adorable replacement. The two have been inseparable and... Full story
1. You must first learn to pronounce the city name, it is: FEE-NICKS'. There are other names to learn such as Awatukee (Ah-wa-Too-Kee) but that will be included in the advanced course. 2. The morning rush hour is from 5:00 am to noon. The evening rush hour is from noon to 7:00 pm. Friday's rush hour starts on Thursday morning. 3. The minimum acceptable speed on most freeways is 85 mph. On Loop 101, your speed is expected to at least match the highway number. Anything less is considered 'Wussy'.... Full story
UNDER THE TABLE: This is for all of us who think government has gotten too big. An Idaho rancher was denied a permit to build a horse shelter or shade lean-to. So -- he built table and chairs, which didn't require a permit. :-)... Full story
The new restaurant and store at Bartlett Lake is now under construction. Check out our next issue for more pictures and information. Also in the planning stage for Bartlett Lake Marina is a wakeboard cable park. If you would like to see this take place please sign their petition at to show your support for this project.... Full story
We express our sincere sympathy to Ron and Rose Werner, valued contributors of boating-safety information, on the passing of Ron’s mother LaVon Werner. May memories of her long and fruitful life bring comfort to her family and friends.... Full story
Margie Anderson is the daughter of an Ojibwa who took her camping and hunting almost as soon as she could walk. She has been an outdoor writer and photographer for 25 years and has contributed to magazines and newspapers all over the United States. She was named Outdoor Writer of the Year in 2000 and again in 2006 by the Arizona Game and Fish Commission. She lives in Phoenix with her husband and a fabulous little French Brittany named Rosie. John and Margie love hiking, hunting, and fishing,... Full story
The business directory provides a list of businesses and services both locally and nationally. Each month a special business is spotlighted. Contact to obtain information on having your business listed.... Full story
(November 14, 2013 - Phoenix, AZ ) - The Arizona State Parks department, in partnership with the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs, is launching a new program to offer opportunities for homeless Veterans to apply for jobs as temporary park specialists in rural Arizona. "The Arizona State Parks department is highlighting these opportunities for Veterans in an effort to help them transition back into the workforce because they possess many of the skill sets we require for those jobs," said State... Full story
As we go to press, the U.S. government is shut down, and many federally run resources are not available during this time. We certainly hope that when you receive this issue, the federal government will have resolved the current shutdown, but at this date, we have no way of knowing when that will be. WOT/AZBW expresses its gratitude to local agencies such as the Arizona Game & Fish Department, Arizona State Parks, Maricopa County Parks, as well as other county parks and individuals who care... Full story
Many hunters, anglers and other outdoor recreationists have been wondering how the current federal government shutdown, which began Oct. 1, will impact their upcoming outings. Despite closures by federal land management agencies of their administrative offices and some controlled access points and facilities, there are numerous opportunities available to Arizonans for outdoor recreation. Please keep in mind that, with regard to federal lands, official information on closures is the responsibilit... Full story
KINGMAN, Ariz. — Alcohol is the leading contributing factor in fatal boating accidents, according to the U.S. Coast Guard. Luke Apfel, wildlife manager for the Arizona Game and Fish Department’s Region 3 office in Kingman, is well aware of this statistic and has been active in many of the regional Operating Under the Influence checkpoints. For his efforts in removing impaired operators from the waterways, Apfel was recently awarded the Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) OUI Officer of the Yea... Full story
Editor's Note - This story came to us but has not been verified. It happened every Friday evening, almost without fail, when the sun resembled a giant orange and was starting to dip into the blue ocean. Old Ed came strolling along the beach to his favorite pier. Clutched in his bony hand was a bucket of shrimp. Ed walks out to the end of the pier, where it seems he almost has the world to himself. The glow of the sun is a golden bronze now. Everybody's gone, except for a few joggers on the... Full story
PHOENIX -- Scottsdale photographer Ruth Jolly's image of an elegant black-necked stilt guiding a fuzzy chick along the shoreline has captured the grand prize in this year's Arizona wildlife photo contest, sponsored by the Arizona Game and Fish Department. The contest, which promotes Arizona's diverse wildlife, attracted more than 300 entries from across Arizona and beyond. Winning images are published in a full-size 2014 wildlife calendar in the November-December issue of Arizona Wildlife Views... Full story
“At our next board meeting, my colleagues and I plan on joining forces with the Parks and Recreation Department as they tell people to ‘take a hike’…literally,” said Maricopa County Board of Supervisors Chairman Andy Kunasek, District 3. “In recognition of National Take A Hike Day, the Parks Department is waiving the day-use park entry fee on November 17 to further encourage people to ‘take a hike’ in a County park.” “While there is very little information available on the history of National... Full story
Margie Anderson is a Charter, Voting member of the Professional Outdoor Media Association and an active member of Western Outdoor Writers. She has been writing for magazines and newspapers in the west since 1990 and is a native of Arizona. Margie's father was an Ojibwa Indian who took her hunting and fishing with him almost as soon as she could walk. She lives in Phoenix with her husband John and a dynamite French Brittany Spaniel named Rosie. Rosie also hunts and fishes, and she keeps an eye... Full story
To his wife Esther, his family and friends, we send our sincere condolences on the passing of Dale. We honor him and remember all he has done for others through their business Santiago’s Ocean Services in Rocky Point, Mexico.... Full story
Greg Fine, a new member of the Arizona Yacht Club, was, according to another member, “a positive and friendly guy who was always happy near the water [and] ready to crew for anyone who needed help.” We extend our sincere sympathy to his friends and family.... Full story
This week I am going to discuss (CR) or Continuing Resolution by congress for the Federal Budget. You may or may not be aware but this year will mark the 20th year in a row that Congress will not pass a budget. Instead we get a Continued Resolution by congress to fund the federal government for the year. 2014 will certainly be no different. So in this newsletter I am going to write about how to market your firm to the federal government during the different phases of the Continuing Resolution.... Full story
(Phoenix, Arizona - September 19, 2013) - On September 18, 2013, the Arizona State Parks Board awarded $15,391,690 in Growing Smarter State Trust Land Acquisition Fund grants from the Land Conservation Fund. The following three grants were awarded: · City of Scottsdale - McDowell Sonoran Preserve towards the purchase of 2,365 acres for up to $8,044,190 · Pima County - Tortolita Mountain Park Expansion Acquisition Phase II towards the purchase of 800 acres for up to $1,347,500. · City of Fl... Full story
Many of us backyard birdwatchers are witnessing the change of the seasons this month, with hummingbirds no longer visiting our flowers or nectar feeders and large groupings of other birds moving out. But is it just goodbye to migrants and a familiar nod to year-round residents? Is that chickadee you've been watching flit in and out of a nestbox all summer the same one you'll see at your winter feeder a few months down the road? When you look at that "year-round range" map stretching from Alaska... Full story
OLYMPIA - The Washington State Department of Natural Resources (DNR), the Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW), and Forterra today announced the purchase of 50,272 acres in the headwaters of the Yakima Basin watershed that are being designated as the Teanaway Community Forest. The Teanaway acquisition is the largest single land transaction in Washington State in 45 years and reflects more than a decade of collaboration involving many organizations and individuals. The property will become... Full story
SPOKANE - Starting this week, the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) plans to conduct controlled burns on parts of the Sinlahekin, Scotch Creek, and Sherman Creek wildlife areas in northeast Washington to reduce wildfire risks and enhance wildlife habitat. Depending on weather conditions and approval from the Washington Department of Natural Resources (DNR), controlled burning could get under way as early as Sept. 26 in Okanogan County. Tom Leuschen, WDFW wildlife area fuels... Full story