Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!


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  • You Are Invited

    Carol L Allen, Editor Arizona Boating & Watersports|Oct 15, 2012

    Outdoor enthusiasts have been familiar with Arizona Boating & Watersports news magazine. However, as the publication expanded its coverage to include camping, fishing, hunting, RVing, safety and wildlife, it was felt the name needed to reflect growth into new and varied content. Therefore, Western Outdoor Times now appears above the parent name Arizona Boating & Watersports, the original branding of the paper. Along with the expansion of areas covered, we are also expanding our geographic reach.... Full story

  • Grant Awards Help Fund Local Efforts To Expand Hunting, Fishing Participation

    AZGFD|Oct 15, 2012

    The Arizona Game and Fish Department is awarding grant funding to 14 local sportsmen’s groups to support 22 projects geared toward increasing hunter and angler recruitment and retention. The Local Sportsmen’s Group Grant Program was started in 2007 to provide financial assistance to local sportsmen’s organizations in supporting wildlife conservation. The program awards grant funds to eligible projects through a competitive application process each year. Focus On Recruitment, Retention The focus of projects eligible to receive grant funds is det... Full story

  • New Survey Shows Angling, Hunting Participation Numbers Are Up

    American Sportfishing Association|Oct 15, 2012

    A coalition of sportsmen's and women’s groups and the outdoor industry briefed members of the Congressional Sportsmen's Caucus recently on the rise in hunting and fishing participation in this country. The groups, led by the Congressional Sportsmen's Foundation, Cabela’s, Safari Club International, National Shooting Sports Foundation, American Sportfishing Association and National Marine Manufacturers Association, used recently released data from the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service’s (Service) 2011 National Survey on Fishing, Hunting and Wildl... Full story

  • Oct 15, 2012

  • Fur & Feather

    Arizona Boating & Watersports|Oct 15, 2012

    The Fur & Feather Animal Assistance is planning their autumn open house for Oct. 27, between 10 a.m. and 2 p.m. Come see all the new animals and the new improvements. FFAA has a new pen, another trailer attached to the Ronda Romper, and they hope to have completed the new heated bunk house.It is getting cold now and the dogs need to come in the house or go into a heated bunk house. This will give us two now. Come meet all the new dogs and cats and visit with the ones that were here last spring.... Full story

  • Grand Canyon Investigators Seeking Information in Search for Missing Man

    Grand Canyon National Park|Oct 15, 2012

    Date: October 10, 2012 Grand Canyon, Ariz. – Rangers in Grand Canyon National park are searching for a man that was last seen waiting to get on a commercial tour bus near Bright Angel Lodge in Grand Canyon National Park. The man had been traveling with a companion and failed to get on the bus Saturday afternoon, October 6. His companion reported him missing. The missing man has been identified as 76-year old Yoshikazu Yamada, a Japanese National. Yamada is 5’6” tall, weighs 150 pounds, has g... Full story

  • Arizona Game And Fish To Hold Public Meetings On Proposed License Simplification Legislation

    AZGFD|Oct 15, 2012

    Oct. 19, 2012 PHOENIX - The Arizona Game and Fish Department will host a series of public meetings statewide in November to discuss proposed legislation to allow the Arizona Game and Fish Commission to establish hunting and fishing license structure directly through a streamlined, customer-focused process. The proposal would provide the commission more flexibility to change the license structure and license products to be responsive to customer needs and changing conditions. “Potential benefits... Full story

  • Federal Government Targets Sportsmen's Dollars To Reduce Deficit

    AZGFD|Oct 15, 2012

    This report is provided by WOT/AZBW to bring our readers some of the current updates from Arizona Game & Fish Department. AZGFD offers a vast amount of information on all outside activities and may be found at www.azgfd.gov. October 24, 2012 “The Greatest Story Never Told” is the mantra being extolled by the nation’s wildlife conservation community in celebration of the 75th anniversary of the Wildlife and Sport Fish Restoration Fund (WSFR). Farsighted and forward-looking sportsmen worked with... Full story

  • Maricopa, Arizona County Parks Unveil Fall Challenge

    Maricopa Arizona County Parks|Oct 15, 2012

    (Maricopa County) Back by popular demand, Maricopa County’s Parks and Recreation Department will roll out the 2012 Fall Challenge on Thursday, November 1. “Last year’s 100-Miles of Hiking challenge was centered around Arizona’s Centennial celebration and we had close to 200 people complete the challenge,” stated R.J. Cardin, Maricopa County Parks and Recreation Department Director. “To mix things up this year, we’re rolling out a new program which will not only test their physical skills but al... Full story

  • Enjoy Western Outdoor Times This Fall

    Sep 15, 2012

    After what sometimes seems an interminable summer, Arizonans welcome autumn with great enthusiasm. They join others across the country in celebrating the colors that signal the freshness of fall. The vibrant aspens, maples and oaks of Arizona’s outdoors comprise a wonderful palette of color. Many have offered their opinions about the ideal times and places to view the kaleidoscope of colors, and here are some of the favorites — road trips that take you through the grandeur of a Southwestern fal... Full story

  • KioKom

    Carol L Allen|Sep 15, 2012

    Arizona Office of Tourism reports that no other Arizona industry produces the same economic impact for the Grand Canyon State as the Arizona tourism industry. Tourism is Arizona’s top export-oriented industry and directly impacts all 15 counties. By generating thousands of jobs, millions of dollars in earnings, and billions of dollars in tax revenues, tourism is vital to Arizona’s economic vitality. Tourism is a driving force in establishing the “quality of life” message and amenities that ar... Full story

  • Bon Voyage

    Mar 15, 2012

    It is hard to say goodbye to one of our most loyal supporters of and contributors to the safety of Arizona outdoor recreationists, both on the water and on land. However, congratulations are definitely in order for Ed Huntsman, leaving the Arizona Game & Fish Department on March 19 where he has served as Boating and OHV Safety Education administrator and program manager since November 2004. Effective March 26, Huntsman begins his new position in New Orleans, La., at the helm of the Recreational... Full story

  • Book Early For Your Top-Deck Boat Party At Bartlett Lake

    Feb 15, 2012

    It’s nearly spring (actually, it feels like spring now) in Arizona. With the ideal weather at this time of year, getting out on the lake is an excellent idea. Two holidays coming up would be enhanced by a party on Bartlett Lake Marina’s top-deck party boat: Presidents’ Day weekend, Saturday, Feb. 18 through Monday, Feb. 20. Or, for a special St. Patrick’s celebration, how about Saturday, March 17? And, when it’s spring in Arizona, we know summer is not far behind. Booking now for a summer cr... Full story

  • Western Outdoor Times "Other Stories"

    Jan 15, 2012

    Stories that do not fall into a regular category.... Full story