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The nonprofit BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water and the National Safe Boating Council, which provides national boating safety outreach, have teamed up with boating app provider DECKEE to make it easier to find and borrow child- or adult-sized life jackets for temporary use, such as for a day or weekend, with the goal of increasing life jacket wear and boating safety. This pilot program has integrated the BoatUS Foundation's more than 600 life jacket loaner sites across the... Full story
By Rich Armstrong, BoatU.S. Magazine Senior Editor Dog owners love to brag about how good their pooch can swim, but even true "water dogs" can only doggie paddle for so long before exhaustion sets in and drowning becomes imminent. Although it's not a legal requirement, BoatU.S. encourages all boaters to outfit their dogs with a life jacket - and put it on them every time - whether on the docks or out on the water. There are well over a dozen brands of canine life jackets, each with its own... Full story
Boating Writers International, the professional association for writers, editors, publishers, bloggers, photographers and videographers in the recreational boating and fishing industries, bestowed eight awards on BoatUS Magazine staff and contributors earlier this year. The award recognized the best marine writing and content to winners across 16 categories. Recipients were awarded a plaque noting their "excellence in creating compelling stories about boating through entertaining, educational an... Full story
Even with a spray skirt, kayaks can ship water, making them uncomfortable and unsafe. With the reliable Thirsty-Mate 318P1 Sea-Kayak Pump from Beckson Marine, it's fast and easy to de-water any small open or closed boat. Made in the USA from non-corroding polyvinyl with solvent-welded construction, the Beckson Sea-Kayak Pump is nearly indestructible. Designed for the rigors of sea-kayaking, an integrated reinforcing shaft prevents the pump from flexing while using it in rolling seas. Because... Full story
According to the nationwide TowBoatUS on-water towing fleet, the busiest time of the year for America's recreational boat owners is, hands down, the Fourth of July holiday period, which typically includes some days, even weeks, before and after the official holiday. It also may be the longest time many boaters will spend the day on the water at anchor, enjoying fishing holes and raft-ups. Are they ready? The BoatUS Foundation for Boating Safety and Clean Water has four tips to help boaters... Full story
The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is urging everyone to wear a life jacket, and follow all safety regulations and laws this summer when recreating on Arizona's waterways. "A life jacket does exactly what it says - it saves your life when you need it," said Danny Rodriguez, watercraft law enforcement program coordinator. "However, it can only save your life if you're wearing one, and often it's too late to put one on once you realize you need it." According to U.S. Coast Guard... Full story
From June 10-August 12, organizations are invited to apply for grant funding to clean up their local waterways. WHAT: In a nationwide effort to remove abandoned and neglected boats from our nation’s waterways, the Boat Owners Association of the United States (BoatUS) Foundation is seeking qualified, diverse and experienced organizations to submit projects for funding. The massive cleanup effort to remove abandoned and derelict vessels (ADVs) in U.S. coastal waterways and the Great Lakes is f... Full story
Decrease In Fatalities, Accidents, But Problems Persist The recently released U.S. Coast Guard 2023 Recreational Boating Statistics shows some good news on the boating safety front, with fatalities falling by 11.3% to 564 from 636 in 2022, and overall incidents decreasing by 4.9% from 4,040 to 3,844. Nonfatal injuries also dropped by 4.3% from 2,222 in 2022 to 2,126 in 2023. Over the long haul, the Coast Guard report also noted that when the Safe Boating Act was first passed in 1971, the... Full story
The recreational boat owner's advocacy, services and safety group, Boat Owners Association of The United States (BoatUS), has help for all types of boat owners with its highly popular Spring Commissioning Checklist. A printer-friendly PDF copy of the checklist is available to download and take to the boat. Be sure to follow all manufacturer recommendations for your specific boat, engine and accessories. Before You Launch 1. Check the condition of antifouling paint and repaint if necessary. 2.... Full story
Publishers Note: We realize that we ran this story in our April issue. We feel that it is a timely and important message. Thank you Ed. Have you completed your National Association of State Boating Law Administrators (NASBLA) approved state boater education course yet? If you're a California resident, effective January 1st, 2024 a NASBLA approved California course is required for any California resident age 60 and under. The course is available online, in a classroom or through home study. More... Full story
We never tire of reminding boaters to wear their life jackets, ideally the entire time they are out on the water. PFDs are no longer bulky, unattractive, and ill-fitting. Now they are comfortable, come in many styles, even colors, and some of the kid's jackets are nothing short of "cute and fun to wear". If you are new to life-jacket shopping, check with the Coast Guard or its Auxiliary, Arizona Game & Fish Department, and the National Safe Boating Council. Another good resource are the members... Full story
BoatUS Foundation offers required trash, oil, waste placard decals for just $5 each. Every new boat comes adorned with a plethora of warning labels for just about everything from obvious hazards to what a tow pylon should be used for. Did you know there are labels that can help remind you and your guests to keep our waters clean and ensure you are on the right side of the law? Boats new or old and 26 feet or greater must have written trash overboard and oil discharge placards "prominently posted... Full story
National Safe Boating Week will be held from May 18-24, 2024, reminding all boaters to brush up on boating safety skills and prepare for the boating season. This observance week is the annual kick-off of the Safe Boating Campaign, a global awareness effort that encourages boaters to make the most of their boating adventure by being responsible. “We’re committed to teaching boaters that the best boating experience is a safe day on the water,” said Peg Phillips, executive director of the Natio... Full story
Whether you're working in the office, at home, in the air, or on the water, all boating enthusiasts can participate in Wear Your Life Jacket at Work Day on Friday, May 17, 2024. This fun day is part of the Safe Boating Campaign, a global awareness effort that encourages boaters to make the most of their boating adventure by being responsible. "Wear Your Life Jacket at Work Day is a great opportunity to share with others your love for boating," said Yvonne Pentz, communications director of the... Full story
TowBoatUS Fisher's Landing, AZ, helps boaters and anglers get home after running aground. YUMA, Ariz., – It's a shallow, sandy-bottomed, blue ribbon of Colorado River that stretches 44 miles across the low desert of the remote Arizona southwest. Now, recreational boaters and anglers navigating here from the Interstate 10 bridge down steam to the Imperial Dam have professional, 24/7 on-water towing and assistance available with the opening of TowBoatUS Fisher's Landing, Arizona. The company, loca... Full story
TowBoatUS Fisher's Landing, Ariz., helps boaters and anglers get home after running aground. It's a shallow, sandy-bottomed, blue ribbon of Colorado River that stretches 44 miles across the low desert of the remote Arizona Southwest. Now, recreational boaters and anglers navigating here from the Interstate 10 bridge down steam to the Imperial Dam have professional, 24/7 on-water towing and assistance available with the opening of TowBoatUS Fisher's Landing, Arizona. The company, located at... Full story
By Cameron MacLaren Long Beach Yacht Club is preparing for their annual US Sailing sanctioned International Safety at Sea course February 17-18, 2024. Participants may choose acomplete in-person two-day course; or a hands-on (Sunday only) course AFTER they've completed the 15 module online course, or a refresher / update if they've completed a sanctioned International course within the last 10 years. An impressive line up of seasoned and experienced presenters are scheduled to conduct the... Full story
Protect yourself and your guests - It's still hot! And September doesn't look like it's going to be much cooler. As a matter of fact, many areas in the Southwest – especially the Phoenix area of the Northern Sonora Desert are generally much warmer than other areas of the country. Unseasonably Hot Both Southern and Northern California, Utah, Southern Nevada, in fact the entire lower Colorado basin is definitely unseasonably hot. This is the hottest summer on record since the National Weather s... Full story
To keep the public safe from watercraft-related accidents this upcoming Fourth of July weekend, the Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) and partner agencies will increase patrols on Arizona’s waterways from July 1-3 during Operation Dry Water. This nationwide campaign focuses on decreasing the number of alcohol- and drug-related incidents and fatalities, and educating recreational boaters about the dangers of boating under the influence. Law enforcement officers will remove dangerous and im... Full story
Non-boat owner friends often comment just after boarding our boat in San Diego about the traffic on our VHF marine radio offering up the latest weather information. More than one frequently remark about what a beautiful day it is – so what's up with the weather concern? Capt Debbie and I are quick to remind them that while the sun may be shinning now and the breeze is gentle, the Southern California coastal weather can change rapidly. And we take advantage of the moment to educate our guests t... Full story
On Boating Season's Kickoff BoatUS Reminds Boaters to Avoid a Misfuel Mishap 'Regular 88,' an E15 fuel, is prohibited for use in recreational boats. Today's gas station pumps no longer provide clear and transparent information to help consumers make the right fuel choice. Dispensing pumps have become a marketer's dream, chock full of attention-grabbing video screens blasting amplified sound that visually plaster a captive audience with a mishmash of eye-catching advertisements from two-for-one... Full story
There were 13 boating fatalities, 60 injuries, $1 million in damages last year. The Arizona Game and Fish Department (AZGFD) is urging all who recreate on Arizona's waters to wear a life jacket, follow safety regulations and laws, as well as designate a sober operator. So far in 2023, three people have lost their lives boating in Arizona. In 2022, boating accidents claimed the lives of 13 people, injured 60 more, and caused $1 million in damages. "A life jacket does exactly what it says - it... Full story
'The best boating experience is safe boating.' National Safe Boating Week will be held from May 20-26, 2023, reminding all boaters to brush up on boating safety skills and prepare for the boating season. This observance week is the annual kick-off of the Safe Boating Campaign, a global awareness effort that encourages boaters to make the most of their boating adventure by being responsible. "The best boating experience is safe boating," said Yvonne Pentz, communications director of the National... Full story
How do you know your boat is ready for a safe summer boating season and complies with new U.S. Coast Guard regulations? A no-cost, no-penalty vessel safety check from the U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary and U.S. Power Squadrons/America's Boating Club can help. Scheduled inspections are often offered at launch ramps, marinas and boat clubs, or appointments can be made for a vessel examiner to come to your boat. Go to to learn more. The program is sponsored by the BoatUS Foundation for... Full story
It never fails – every time I'm on the water, be it on a powerboat, and sailboat or paddling I always hear a boater doing a radio check. And frequently, others demonstrating their total lack of understanding on proper radio procedure by engaging in 2 minute plus conversations on channel 16 while everyone else listens in – not unlike the person speaking loudly on their cell phone in a restaurant.Many apparently justdon't understand, or have not taken the time to learn how to properly use the... Full story