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Downstream Events Calendar

Downstream Events Calendar Listing


Downstream has been a mainstay of our publication for many years. We are sure you will like the results when you place your event in Downstream.

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Icy Cold Was The Summer


Beginning in the United Kingdom and ending in San Diego, California, this novel of twisted fate and events is based on a true, chilling story. Icy Cold Was the Summer is Carol Lemon Allen's first mystery novella; it was recognized at the 35th annual Local Authors Exhibit of the San Diego Public Library. Just before Jim and I left Phoenix, Arizona, for our month-long trip to the United Kingdom, I received a letter from some old Canadian friends--the Cramptons. Mac played an important role in this mystery. Mac was our Ford Transit Ambulance that we outfitted as a camper.

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Media Advertising

Fishing Special

Fishing Special


Arizona Game & Fish, Margie Anderson and Wayne Gustaveson are some of the main contributors to these great fishing stories.

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Page 11  Business Cards

Page 11 Business Cards


This section appears in our print issue. It is the centerfold (page 11) and is a real eye grabber. There is also an online version of our print issue. The price is only $144 per year at this time.

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Boating & Water Safety

Boating & Water Safety


Captain Ed Huntsman and BoatUS are two of the main contributors. If you are on the water you and your family need safety information.

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