At this time of year, be aware of weather emergencies — even in Arizona!
Start Your Boating New Year Right: Safely
At this time of year, be aware of weather emergencies — even in Arizona!
Arizona Boating Education
This National Association of State Boating Law Administrators’ (NASBLA)-approved course includes instruction on general nautical information, different boat types, knot tying, anchoring, waste and oil disposal, risk management, weather emergencies, registration requirements, boating laws and regulations, equipment requirements, navigation rules, aids to navigation (buoys), boating accidents, Operating Under the Influence (OUI), trailering, and more.
Most insurance companies offer discounts on boat insurance for completing the class. Classroom courses are available and added on a regular basis. Call (623) 236-7235 or see page 3 of this issue for the most current information and to register.
The course is also available online via the Internet and AZGFD Web site.
If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer Boating Education Instructor please contact Kelley Fowke, boating education coordinator by telephone at (623) 236-7381 or by e-mail at or the Boating Education Program Manager, Ed Huntsman by telephone at (623) 236-7237 or by email at
Particularly needed are Phoenix-based volunteer boating-safety education instructors.
For driving directions and maps to class locations, enter the location address at MapQuest.
Be A Safe Boater; Go Online
Boat Safe, Boat Smart, Boat Sober and take a boating safety class online at your convenience. Visit
Get Your Copy of Splash!
Splash, The Movie is a boating education video unlike any other. Produced by the Arizona Game And Fish Department in 2008, this 30-minute movie about a little girl's experience at Saguaro Lake with her grandfather will entertain your entire family while covering important boating safety topics.
For a free copy of the DVD, please call (623) 236-7235. (Use cover of DVD)
Don’t Be Fooled By Arizona Winters
Arizona winters are mild, and recreational boating is popular year-round, but an unexpected immersion into cold water can cause hypothermia and even lead to a life-threatening situation.
Entering extremely cold water causes an immediate gasp reflex that can fill the lungs with water. After falling overboard or entering the water, it is important to be wearing your life jacket (PFD). A life jacket keeps your head above water and your body on the surface.
Stay calm and move slowly. Don't try to take off clothing in the water (a common misconception is that heavy clothing or waders weigh down your body when in fact can trap air and help keep your body afloat).
If your boat has capsized, stay with it. More than likely, it will not sink and it can be used as a platform to maneuver, so stay on top of it as much as possible, getting yourself out of the water and maintaining stability.
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