Conservation News Update Brief
Conservation News Update Brief
Don McDowell
Conservation Director
December Conservation Update
Is The ‘Alabama Rig’ Legal In Arizona?
Arizona guidance is found in statute and the definition for Angling: Arizona Revised Statutes 17-101 A1 — “Angling” means the taking of fish by one line and not to exceed two hooks, by one line and one artificial lure, which may have attached more than one hook, or by one line and not to exceed two artificial flies or lures.
The Alabama rig appears to be up to five (or more) lures joined via stiff wires, similar to umbrella rigs used for trolling. These “rigs” with more than two lures, would not be legal for angling in Arizona. Such a “rig” would be legal if it had no more than two lures.
Lures are not defined in statute. However, a lure is designed and intended to catch one fish. As such, a spoon, soft bait, piece of yarn etc., with no hook incorporated would not be considered a lure.
Thus, a test would be if a “rig” (Alabama or otherwise) were to be de-constructed, each piece that can catch a fish separately would be considered a lure. If more than two lures (that can catch a fish separately) are de-constructed, the rig is not legal in Arizona as regulations are currently written.
An example of a rig that would be legal in AZ is a rig with two swim baits with hooks and three or more (as many as you want) hook less swim baits or hookless spinners.
For more information, contact Kirk Young, fisheries branch chief, Arizona Game And Fish Department, 5000 West Carefree Highway, Phoenix AZ, 85086-5000, (623) 236-7259.
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