Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!


The following is a list of exhibitors who have expressed their intention to participate at the 2012 Lake Havasu Boat Show, April 20-22. This is not a complete list, still 2-1/2 months before the show opens — more exhibitors will be added as commitments are confirmed.

Absolute Marine, Advantage Boats, Aeromarine, American Family Insurance, American Hi-Tek, AMSOIL -- Oil Twins, Aqua Lily Pad, Aquarius Casino Resort, Arizona Reflections, AZ West,

Boat Bling, Boostpower,

Cankles, Car Toyz, Carder Performance, Cheetah Boats, Competitive Trailers, Conquest/Group 1,

DCB, Domn8er Boats, Doug Wright Boats West, Ducky Products, Dynojet Research,

Eddie Marine, Eliminator Boats, E-Ticket Boats,


Got Water Rentals,

Hallett Boats, Havasu PowerSports, Havasu Springs Resort, Hering Propellers, Horizon Motorsports, Howard Boats,

Ilmor Marine, IMCO, In-Stitches,

Jet Boats Plus, JR Motor Sales,

KMG Boats,

Lake Havasu City Chamber of Commerce, Lake Havasu City Convention & Visitors Bureau, Lake Racer LLC/Desert Storm, Living Like a Pirate, Livorsi, London Bridge Resort, London Bridge Yacht Club,

Magic Powerboats, Marine Technology, INC. (MTI Powerboats), Mercury Racing, Mystic Powerboats,

Nautical Beachfront Resort, Nordic Boats,


Performance Boat Candy, Performance Boats, Pfaff/Strut Marine, Pirate Cove Resort, Pirate's Den Resort, Placecraft, Premier Golf Carts, Prestige Marine,

Rex Marine, Rode's Way Boats, Ron's Custom Detail and Billet,

Selman & Associates, Shockwave Boats, Slide Anchor, South West Kayaks, Sun Country Marine, Super Tech,

Teague Custom Marine, The Boat Brokers, The Bravo Shop, The Main Stitch,

Ultra/Interceptor Boats, USA RV & Boat,

Vessel Assist,

Water Jetpack Adventure, Wozencraft Insurance.


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