Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Solar Cooking

Oh, The Possibilities For RVers, Campers, Boaters! Hunters and anglers also will find this method useful and valuable for their travels.

There is something almost revere about a campfire. It’s a travelling tradition — while one person sets up the tent or opens up the van, the other forages for fuel and gets a blaze going. It’s romantic, it’s entertaining and it’s often the place that good food is made.

But, sometimes it’s actually a part of traveling I could happily do without! It’s hot work, the wood is often damp or if it’s not, there’s a fire ban and I get tired of telling the kids, “Don’t run around near the fire!” So we’ve started a new camping tradition, of setting up the solar oven!

A solar oven is an ingenious device th...


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