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Grant Awards Help Fund Local Efforts To Expand Hunting, Fishing Participation

Arizona Game And Fish Department Awarding Grant Funding

The Arizona Game And Fish Department is awarding grant funding to 14 local sportsmen’s groups to support 22 projects geared toward increasing hunter and angler recruitment and retention.

The Local Sportsmen’s Group Grant Program was started in 2007 to provide financial assistance to local sportsmen’s organizations in supporting wildlife conservation. The program awards grant funds to eligible projects through a competitive application process each year.

Focus On Recruitment, Retention

The focus of projects eligible to receive grant funds is determined annually by the Arizona Game And Fish Department and may change from year to year. The 2012 grant year focus was on projects that promote or facilitate hunter, angler or trapper recruitment and retention.

Twenty-seven applications were received for the $75,000 in available funding. The following projects were awarded:

Cochise Bird Dog Club, for the project “SE Arizona Youth Quail Camp.” The award is in the amount of $1,450.

Team Young Gunz Outdoors, for the project “2012 Women's Deer Camp.” The award is in the amount of $3,122.

Huachuca Goulds Chapter, National Wild Turkey Federation, for the project “Huachuca Goulds Chapter Free Family Predator Hunting Camp.” The award is in the amount of $2,900.

Mohave Sportsman Club, for the project “Fishing For Smiles 2013.” The award is in the amount of $4,344.

Arizona Predator Callers for the project “APC Novice Predator Hunt.” The award is in the amount of $2,954.

Yuma Valley Rod and Gun Club, for the project “2012 Junior Quail & Small Game Camp.” The award is in the amount of $4,442.

Yuma Valley Rod and Gun Club, for the project “Yuma Valley Rod and Gun Fishing Clinic 2013.” The award is in the amount of $2,814.

Outdoor Experience 4 All, for the project “Javelina Hunting Fair 2013.” The award is in the amount of $6,813.

Arizona Elk Society, for the project “Arizona Elk Society Youth Programs Equipment and Media.” The award is in the amount of $5,650.

Anglers United, for the project “Anglers United 'Just for Kids' Fishing Festival.” The award is in the amount of $3,500.

Arizona Outdoor Sports, for the project “Enclosed Trailer for a portable shotgun hunting and field training facility.” The award is in the amount of $7,000.

Southwest Fur Harvesters Association, for the project “Youth Trapping Equipment Loaner Program.” The award is in the amount of $2,670.

Southwest Fur Harvesters Association, for the project “2013 Youth Trappers Camp.” The award is in the amount of $2,280.

Ben Avery Clay Busters, for the project “Women's Upland Bird Hunt.” The award is in the amount of $3,257.

AZ State Chapter National Wild Turkey Federation, for the project “2013 Spring Juniors Turkey Hunting Camps.” The award is in the amount of $8,750.

Youth Outdoors Unlimited, for the project “Junior Deer Camp in Game Management Unit 20C.” The award is in the amount of $2,150.

Youth Outdoors Unlimited, for the project “Junior Elk Camp in Game Management Units 1 & 2C.” The award is in the amount of $2,150.

Youth Outdoors Unlimited, for the project “Junior Turkey Camp in Game Management Units 1 & 27.” The award is in the amount of $2,150.

Youth Outdoors Unlimited, for the project “Junior Javelina Camp in Game Management Unit 20C.” The award is in the amount of $2,150.

Youth Outdoors Unlimited, for the project “Picket Post Small Game Camp.” The award is in the amount of $1,200.

Youth Outdoors Unlimited, for the project “Women's HAM Javelina Camp in Game Management Units 36A, 36B & 36C.” The award is in the amount of $1,850.

Youth Outdoors Unlimited, for the project “Junior Waterfowl Camp at Lake Havasu.” The award is in the amount of $1,370.

Funded By Licenses, Tags

The recruitment and retention of hunters, anglers, shooters and trappers is important, as these outdoor recreationists are not only stewards of wildlife, but they are also a primary funding source for wildlife conservation efforts, said Craig McMullen, the department’s chief of wildlife recreation.

This grant program is an investment in local organizations that, day-in and day-out, are teaching these important traditional outdoor recreational pursuits in our communities.

The Local Sportsmen’s Group Grant Program is funded by the sale of hunting and fishing licenses and big game tags, and there is no cost to Arizona taxpayers for this grant program. The Arizona Game And Fish Department does not receive any of the state’s general funds, and operates under a user-pay, user-benefit model.

For more information on the Local Sportsmen’s Group Grant Program, visit http://www.azgfd.gov/i_e/local_sportsmens.shtml.


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