Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

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To The 'Open House' Of Western Outdoor Times.com

Outdoor enthusiasts have been familiar with Arizona Boating & Watersports news magazine. However, as the publication expanded its coverage to include camping, fishing, hunting, RVing, safety and wildlife, it was felt the name needed to reflect growth into new and varied content. Therefore, Western Outdoor Times now appears above the parent name Arizona Boating & Watersports, the original branding of the paper.

Along with the expansion of areas covered, we are also expanding our geographic reach. Although Arizona Boating & Watersports, http://www.azbw.com, will remain virtually the same, our new site Western Outdoor Times, http://www.westernoutdoortimes.com, will cover the same topics but will also include all of the states in the Western United States.

There are many things that affect all of us in the outdoors world. It is the goal of Western Outdoor Times and Arizona Boating & Watersports to bring these happenings to the public in an effort to let them not only enjoy the resources and events, but also to have some say in how their outdoor activities are managed.

Western Outdoor Times is powered by ROAR Online Publication Software. Lions Light Corporation http://www.lionslight.com


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