News from Fur and Feather Animal Assistance
Holiday Issue November/December 2012
Greetings! Supporters and Friends,
This year has been a very busy year for FFAA. We have added new dog pastures,pens,new heated bunk houses and a new cat trailer, there has been a lot of painting going on including a wonderful mural painted by one of our treasured worker/volunteers Sarah. Also,we have had a lot of new dogs and cats and a whole bunch of adoptions.
We are able to continue our life-saving work because of the wonderful donations ranging from very large dog house to very small doggy clothes and toys and a lot of generouse money donations. A HUGE THANK YOU TO ALL THAT HAVE DONATED ANYTHING, WITHOUT YOU WE CANNOT CONTINUE.
New additions at FFAA.
There have been lots of new dogs and cats that have found their way to us this year, some from No Kill Shelters in and around New Mexico, some from Families that have fallen on hard times and some that had no families at all. Then there are the dogs that come from across the Border in Mexico. Our newest arrivals came in at the end of October.
Bella is a Boxer x, she has had multiple puppies, had a lot of medical issues that have been solved and was in need of a new solution for her rehabilitation. She is now enjoying the good life and learning the ropes at FFAA
Quinn is a really cute little guy, he has been through quite a lot in his 1 1/2 years but he has taken it all in stride and is a happy go lucky little man. He is having a great time running free and playing with all his new playmates.
Olivia is the sweetest little calico cat ever. Olivier had a medical issue that led to her losing her front leg but it has not stopped her at all. She is very happy playing and living in the Ronda Romper,cat house and teepee. Olivia is definately a great addition to FFAA. AN UPDATE ON OLIVIA, she was adopted by two of our wonderful supporters, Toni and Gary, congratulations Olivia , Gary and Toni.
Out of the ordinary at FFAA
About 6 weeks ago a very pregnant dog was brought to us. We have since named her Madonna. Three days after her arrival her puppies arrived. We have 5 really, really beautifully cute and adorable babies for us to coo over. Since it is out of the norm for us as everything is spayed or neutered, we are having a blast watching them grow.
Madonna is the best mother ever and has been very generous in letting us handle the little ones since birth.
There are 3 girls and 2 boys, very fat and healthy and they will be ready to go to their forever homes in about a month.
Friends and Allies
This year we have been working closely with the Animal Welfare Department in Albuquerque and Shelters in surrounding areas, in addition to our work here in Catron County.We have taken in quite a few special needs and senior dogs and cats, plus some dogs in need of life saving rehabiltation.Our hope is to continue these relationships as it is always very helpful to have allies and friends.
We thank you all for taking the time to read our newsletter. We are striving to make the lives of our 4 legged friends happy and healthy so that they can find their way into the hearts of their forever family. Without your continued support we would not be able to continue our efforts.
Thank you, and we hope that you and your families have a great Thanksgiving.
Laurie Beauchamp and all of us here that help keep this place going.
Fur and Feather Animal Assistance
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Fur and Feather Animal Assistance, Inc.
A permanent residential facility for dogs and cats designed for comfort,
well being, and CARE for LIFE.
Where Every"One"Deserves a Chance.
575-772-2661 Laurie Beauchamp
575-772-2543 Sharon Bostick
PO Box 555 Pie Town, NM 87827*
email to: Look for adoption stories. it is done quite well.
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