Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Boating Education May Lower Your Insurance Premiums

The U.S. Coast Guard Auxiliary offers two courses that may qualify for insurance company discounts that are designed to enhance skills and knowledge for the recreational boat operator as well as personal watercraft, canoe and kayakers.

Students can enroll in a one-day basic class or an advanced knowledge and seamanship course that covers 12 chapters of instruction. Regardless of the course, a boater education certification card will be issued after successfully completing the test.

While taking a safe boating course, Gregory Deen of Jacksonville, Ark., was told that after successful completion of the final test, his insurance company might offer a discount.

He checked and sure enough, Mr. Deen did receive a credit advantage on his premium. He actually received two advantages. The first with his insurance company and the second, but not least, he became a better and safer boater.

The Coast Guard Auxiliary has provided safe boating classes since its beginning in 1939. Their purpose was, and as it are now, to improve safety on coastal and inland waterways for recreational boaters. All totaled, there are 11 different courses for students from 4 years old all the way through adulthood.

Subjects range from Boating Fun and Waypoints for up to 12 years, About Boating Safety and Boating or Sailing Skills and Seamanship. The Auxiliary also offers advanced courses in subjects such as Navigating with GPS, How to Read a Nautical Chart and Suddenly in Command for the first mate who might very well find him or herself having to take command in case of an emergency.

The slogan, “Safe Boating Is No Accident,” encourages every boat skipper to become involved with the safe boating process by enrolling in one of these classes, but the process does not stop there. Safe boating is a family affair and together the learning process can not only provide the entire crew with valuable information, but become a fun and learning experience for all.

To find out more about any of the 11 safe boating courses go to: http://cgaux.org/boatinged/class_finder/index.php for the nearest Coast Guard Auxiliary Public Education Class.


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