COLUMBIA RIVER MAINSTEM, Tongue Point/Rocky Point Line to Beacon Rock
Effective May 25 – June 15, 2013:
Open for adipose fin-clipped Chinook, adipose fin-clipped steelhead, and shad. Sockeye must be released.
Daily bag limit is 2 adult salmon/steelhead in combination, of which only 1 may be an adult Chinook. Chinook adults are > 24 inches and steelhead > 20 inches.
Up to 5 adipose fin-clipped jacks may be retained in addition to the adult bag limit.
Season modifications may be required to remain within harvest guidelines.
COLUMBIA RIVER MAINSTEM, Beacon Rock to Bonneville Dam
Effective May 25 – June 15, 2013:
This area is open to BANK ANGLING ONLY for adipose fin-clipped Chinook, adipose fin-clipped steelhead, and shad. Sockeye must be released.
Daily bag limit is 2 adult salmon/steelhead in combination, of which only 1 may be an adult Chinook. Chinook adults are > 24 inches and steelhead > 20 inches.
Up to 5 adipose fin-clipped jacks may be retained in addition to the adult bag limit.
Season modifications may be required to remain within harvest guidelines.
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