Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Cash Prizes Offered For Top Wildlife Photos

Wildlife calendar photo contest accepting entries through Aug. 2.

From majestic bighorns to tiny hummingbirds, Arizona’s wildlife diversity is awe-inspiring. Arizona Game and Fish invites people to share their vision of the state’s wildlife by taking part in our annual photo contest.

The best in show and 12 first-place winners will be published in the 2014 calendar issue of Arizona Wildlife Views magazine, Arizona’s award-winning magazine about wildlife and outdoor recreation.

The contest accepts entries through Aug. 2 at 5 p.m. MST. Cash prizes will be awarded. Prize money is funded through publications sales. As always, the contest is free to enter. It’s also easy: People can enter via email or through a file-sharing website. Contest rules are posted at http://www.azgfd.gov/photocontest.

A Test Of Skill

Photographing wildlife is a test of skill, and Arizona abounds with opportunities to practice. A great egret spreading its wings for balance on a slender branch won last year’s contest. The image was not just beautiful — it captured a particular moment in the life of an animal.

Such moments are happening all around us, all the time. The key is being ready to answer opportunity when it knocks. By staying alert for that special wildlife encounter, anybody might capture an image worth the top prize.

The judging process is “blind,” meaning entries are assigned a number and evaluated anonymously. Personal information is not attached to images or revealed during judging. Photos are evaluated solely on creativity, photographic quality, effectiveness in conveying the unique character of the subject, and whether or not submitted images meet basic size and formatting requirements.

Try Your Luck

People who enjoy capturing Arizona’s amazing wild animals in photographs are invited to try their luck at turning their best photos into cash. The deadline for entering the 2014 Arizona wildlife calendar photo contest is Aug. 2 at 5 p.m. MST.


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