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Lake Wenatchee Sockeye Fishery To Open

Action: Lake Wenatchee opens for sockeye salmon fishing.

Effective date/time: Aug. 3, 2013, (one hour before official sunrise) until further notice.

Species affected: Sockeye salmon

Daily limit: Two sockeye, 12 inches in length or greater.

Location: Lake Wenatchee (Chelan Co.)

Reason for action: To date, more than 27,000 fish have made passage at Tumwater Dam on the Wenatchee River. About 30,000 total sockeye are projected with 7,000 estimated to be available for harvest above the natural spawning escapement goal of 23,000 fish.

Other information:

Selective gear rules (up to three single barbless hooks per line, no bait or scent allowed, knotless nets required) in effect.

A night closure will be in effect.

All sockeye with a floy (anchor) tag attached and/or one or more round ¼ inch in diameter holes punched in the caudal (tail) fin must be released. These fish are essential to ongoing studies being conducted by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Bull trout, steelhead, and Chinook salmon must be released unharmed without removing the fish from the water.

Two-pole endorsement is not valid for this fishery.

Anglers must have a current Washington fishing license as well as a Columbia River Salmon and Steelhead Endorsement (CRSSE). Revenue from the CRSSE supports salmon or steelhead seasons on many rivers in the Columbia River system, including enforcing fishery regulations and monitoring the upper Columbia River steelhead fisheries. The endorsement has generated more than $1 million annually for WDFW to maintain and increase fishing opportunities throughout the Columbia River basin.

NOTE: The Lake Wenatchee sockeye fishery may be closed on short notice depending on participation and catch rates. Anglers are advised to check the fishing hotline at 360-902-2500 or Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife’s website daily.

Information contact: Travis Maitland, District 7 Fish Biologist, (509) 665-3337 (Wenatchee District Office). Jeff Korth, Region 2 Fish Program Manager (509) 754-4624.


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