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WDFW Seeks Applicants For Advisory Board On Emerging Columbia River Commercial Fishery

OLYMPIA - The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is seeking applicants for a five-member advisory board that will help develop a commercial seine fishery on the lower Columbia River.

The application deadline is August 22, and the board’s first meeting could take place as early as September, according to Ron Roler, WDFW Columbia River policy coordinator.

Roler said the department is creating the board to help implement a portion of the Columbia River Basin Salmon Management Policy, developed last year by the Washington and Oregon fish and wildlife commissions. The policy calls for development of fisheries that promote the use of alternative selective gear, such as purse seines and beach seines. The policy document is available on the WDFW website at http://wdfw.wa.gov/commission/policies/c3620.html .

Because the number of participants in the fishery will be limited, Washington state law (RCW 77.70.160) requires the department to appoint a five-person advisory board that is representative of the affected industry. The board members will serve two-year terms and will review and make recommendations to WDFW on rules relating to the selection of participants in the fishery.

Applications may be submitted by people who wish to serve on the board or by individuals or organizations that wish to nominate someone for the board. All applications must include:

The applicant or nominee’s name, address, telephone number and email address.

The person’s relevant experience and the reasons they want to serve on the board.

A description of the applicant or nominee’s communication skills and effectiveness.

The name and contact information of any individual or organization that submits a nomination.

Applications and nominations should be submitted to Roler by email at Ronald.Roler@dfw.wa.gov or by regular mail at Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, 2108 Grand Blvd., Vancouver, WA 98661.


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