Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Weekly Recreation Report

Labor Day weekend trout fishing

Several water bodies throughout the state area being stocked with trout this week in anticipation of the Labor Day holiday weekend. Check out the zone reports, or visit the trout stocking page to see where fish area being stocked.

Archery seasons continue

Remember errors in the regulations on Chesnimnus bag limit, traditional equipment only area: On page 51, the “Traditional Archery Equipment Only” restriction should not be in the Columbia Basin, Biggs, Hood and Maupin Units—that restriction is for the Canyon Creek Area only. On page 79, the Chesnimnus hunt bag limit of “one bull elk” (hunt #258R) should be “one elk.” These errors were corrected by the Fish and Wildlife Commission in June.

Check fire restrictions before heading afield!

Fire danger is at record levels according to the Oregon Dept of Forestry. Follow all fire restrictions while hunting, fishing or viewing wildlife and see ODF’s webpage for the latest on restrictions (click Landowner/Corporate Closure Chart for private land closures) Forest Restrictions & Closures


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