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Nine lightning-caused fires on Tonto National Forest over past 24 hours;

three smoke checks also being conducted

Due to thunderstorm activity across the forest over the last 24 hours, there have been nine fire starts being managed by assigned resources and three smoke checks are being conducted. One of the nine fire starts, the Reno Fire, reported earlier today, is contained.

Thunderstorm activity is predicted for this weekend, bringing moisture and lightning to some of these areas on the forest.

1. Cain Fire on Tonto National Forest in Four Peaks Wilderness Area 28 miles northeast of Mesa, Ariz.,1.5 miles west of Four Peaks

Fire Facts

Location: 33,41.262 x 111,21.093 28 miles northeast of Mesa, Ariz., 1.5 miles west of Four Peaks Resources committed:

2 Engine crews

Cause: Lightning


1 Air attack

Size: 200 acres


Terrain: Rocky, steep

Fuels: Chaparrel, brush, grass

Update: Location is remote in the Four Peaks Wilderness Area. Smoke was visible to residents of the East Valley, Tonto Basin and Roosevelt today, with 2-5 foot flames.

The fire received some precipitation this afternoon due to thunderstorm activity. The assigned crew pulled back ahead of the storm.

Fire activity may be visible tonight, but will be moderated by higher humidity levels and cooler temperatures.

Thunderstorm activity is predicted for this weekend, bringing moisture and lightning.

For more information, please contact the Mesa Ranger District at (480) 610-3300, or check online at http://www.fs.usda.gov/tonto or http://inciweb.nwcg.gov

2. White Fire on Tonto National Forest south of Superior, Ariz.

6.5 miles south of Superior, Ariz., north of BLM White Canyon Wilderness boundary

Fire Facts

Incident Commander:

Date reported: August 15, 2013, 1842 hrs.

Number of personnel:


33,12.414 x 111,5.736

Resources committed:

1 Engine crew

Cause: Lightning


1 Air attack

Size: 209 acres


Terrain: Rocky, steep, remote

Fuels: Brush, grass

Update: Location is remote area approximately 6.5 miles south of Superior and one-quarter mile north of BLM White Canyon Wilderness boundary.

The fire was active with short runs today. Smoke was visible from U.S. 60 and SH 177 today with winds at 5-10 mph.

Fire activity will be moderated by higher humidity levels and cooler temperatures tonight.

For more information, please contact the Globe Ranger District at (928) 402-6200, or check online at http://www.fs.usda.gov/tonto

3. Reno Fire, Reno Pass, 7 miles northwest of Tonto Basin, Ariz.=CONTAINED

Fire Facts

Incident Commander:

Date reported: August 15, 2013 4:30pm

Number of personnel:


33,52.926 x 111,23.892

Reno Pass, 7 miles northwest of Tonto Basin, Ariz. 1.6 miles south of Mt. Ord

Resources committed:

Cause: Lightning


Size: 8 acres


Terrain: Rocky, steep

Fuels: Chaparrel, brush, pinon juniper

The following fire starts were identified today and have resources assigned to them:

4. Cedar Basin Fire - 8.5 miles southeast of Tortilla Flats (Mesa Ranger District)

33,27.786 x 111,15.270

Reported: 08/16/2013 18:57

10 acres

5. Picket Fire - 2.5 miles southwest of Superior (Globe Ranger District)

33,16.446 x 111,8.022

Reported: 08/16/2013 15:48

2 acres

6. Granite Fire - 31 miles northeast of Mesa, west of Hwy. 87 (Mesa Ranger District)

33,45.816 x 111,32.052

Reported: 08/16/2013 15:34

7. Tin Fire – 8.3 miles northeast of Tonto Basin (Tonto Basin Range District)

33,52.566 x 111,9.474

Reported: 08/16/2013 14:48

8. Picture Fire – 9 miles northeast of Tonto Basin (Tonto Basin Ranger District)

33,55.266 x 111,10.878

Reported: 08/16/2013 14:45

9. Gordon Fire – 11 miles north of Young (Pleasant Valley Ranger District)

34,15.678 x 110,56.958

Reported: 08/16/2013 14:39

The following smoke checks are being conducted. Descriptions should be avialable tomorrow if any fire starts are confirmed:

1. Smoke check – 3 miles east of Tortilla Flats (Mesa Ranger District)

HWY 88 Canyon Lake and Apache

33,32.610 x 111,20.226

Reported: 08/16/2013 18:28

2. Smoke Check – 4.5 miles south of Horseshoe Lake Dam (Cave Creed Ranger District)

Lockwood Mesa

33,54.972 x 111,43.416

Reported: 08/16/2013 15:52

3. Smoke Check – 2.5 miles west of Willow Springs Lake (Payson Ranger District)

FA/ MilItary

34,18.432 x 110,55.404

Reported: 08/16/2013 14:59


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