Beginning Jan. 1, 2014 anglers fishing for salmon, steelhead or sturgeon in the Columbia River and its tributaries will be required to have a Columbia River Basin endorsement. See a map of the Basin and get more information.
Trout are preparing for winter…
…and are feeding aggressively. Fall fishing, where regulations and access permits, can be some of the best fishing of the year. See the Recreation Reports for updates and the latest conditions.
Late season archery deer hunting underway
Bowhunters get another chance to hunt deer in parts of western Oregon.
Take a bird hunting trip – and take advantage of increased possession limits
Possession limits were increased to 3X the daily bag limit for all migratory birds this year, so it’s a great time to go hunt in a new area.
Turkey season open thru Dec. 31
You can hunt the fall turkey season in most of western Oregon. Turkey hunting info
Report your tags—even if you didn’t hunt or weren’t successful
Hunters are required to report on every deer, elk, cougar, bear, pronghorn and turkey tag purchased. Hunters who fail to report their 2013 deer and elk tags by the deadline (Jan. 31, 2014 for most hunts) will have to pay a $25 penalty fee to purchase a 2015 hunting license. Report online or call 1-866-947-ODFW (6339).
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