Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Maritime Museum & Next Level Sailing

Announce Unheard Of “No Seasickness Guarantee” For Whale Watching Season On Famous Schooner “America”

San Diego: With the 2012/13 whale watching season commencing mid- December, the famous sailing schooner “America” has confirmed what is typically unheard of in this industry, a “No Seasickness Guarantee”. Operating from the “Maritime Museum of San Diego” the ‘America’ conducts daily whale and dolphin watching sailing trips to as far out as 12 miles on the ocean during the 4 month viewing season from December 20 to April 20. To offer such a guarantee is very comforting for folks interested in seeing the whale migration, but have been reluctant because of the traditional motion sickness issues.

“Ask any boater who has sat in a fishing boat or typical whale watching vessel anywhere in the world and they’ll tell you that motion sickness is very common, and very unwelcome.”….say’s Warren Allan, Director of Sales & Marketing for the famous yacht ‘America’. “What we bring to the industry is a very large, low profile sailing vessel upon which the typical seasick motion is reduced considerably by the huge underwater keel. The 11 Ft deep keel is there to counterbalance the wind in the sails.

Without the keel a sailing yacht would tip over. The keel also acts to severely reduce the sideways rolling motion of a yacht, that sideways motion being the main cause of seasickness. A typical motor yacht without a keel is much more prone to that rolling motion. What folks should understand is that the ‘America’ is no ordinary sailing vessel. It is a huge schooner capable of carrying 75 guests, has 6 restrooms and cabins and plenty of room for guests to walk around throughout the day”…say’s Allan.

Treating lightly of a sensitive subject the motto of the schooner ‘America’ is: “If you lose your lunch, we will replace it”. The schooner ‘America’ management is so confident that very few guests will experience motion sickness while on these ocean whale watching trips, that they will provide a $25 Gift Certificate to Anthony’s Seafood Grotto to any guest who physically “loses their lunch”. When you consider that $25 is a good portion of the cost of the sailing ticket, the yacht ‘America’ folks must be very confident that they won’t have to hand back a big chunk of their whale watching revenue.

In the 2012/13 whale season the ‘America’ conducted 86 trips to the ocean and only 1 guest in each 180 became ill, less than 0.6% of the passengers. With those odds you can guarantee that whale watching enthusiasts will be taking a closer look at riding this beautiful yacht this season.

In addition to a fantastic day out on this beautiful sailing schooner, guests receive complimentary admission to the Maritime Museum of San Diego, the dock location of the yacht ‘America’. This is a $14 adult value. Guests are welcome to arrive early or stay late on the day of their sailing trip, to enjoy all that the Museum has to offer.

Plus……for every adult ticket purchased a family child member can ride free, and again something you’ve not heard of before, that includes child members up to 21 years.

Considering all the value-added components, the rate for these trips is very affordable:

Mon-Fri: Adults $79.00 Child $39.50 (12 & under)

Sat-Sun: Adults $89.00 Child $44.50 (12 & under)

Trips depart almost daily at 11:00 am and return at 3:00 pm. Boarding time is 10:30 am.


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