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Arizona State Parks Announces Funding For Trail Projects Deadline

Arizona State Parks is offering funding from the state Off-Highway Vehicle Recreation Fund (OHV) and the federal Recreational Trails Program (RTP) fund for motorized and non-motorized trail projects.

Project sponsors must complete an application package and submit it to Arizona State Parks by the deadline on Friday, Feb. 28 at 5 p.m.


Eligible project sponsors include governmental entities (cities, towns, counties, tribal governments, state and federal agencies) that have a legal responsibility to provide outdoor recreation related opportunities to the public. A governmental entity may need to secure a signed resolution authorizing the application for a project grant.

Organizations, clubs, businesses, and other groups may enter into a cooperative agreement with an eligible project sponsor and participate as a third party.

Monies Available

There is approximately $1 million in the OHV Recreation Fund and $1.3 million in the Recreational Trails Program (RTP) fund. RTP funds are divided between motorized and non-motorized projects. Motorized projects may receive up to $300,000 in OHV grant funds without a match.

Projects requesting more than the $300,000 must match the grant funds over $300,000 equally up to a maximum of $500,000 in total grant funds. Non-motorized projects are capped at $80,000 for grants and $30,000 for the State Parks RTP Trail Maintenance Program. RTP funds require a 6 percent match and National Environmental Policy Act compliance.

To Apply

Grant application manuals and forms are available to download from the State Parks website: AZStateParks.com on the Grants Program and Trails Program pages or by contacting Robert Baldwin at (602) 542-7130 or e-mail rbaldwin(at)azstateparks.gov. The deadline for the completed application package is Friday, Feb. 28 at 5 p.m.


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