Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

March Is An important Month At Arizona's State Parks

By Arizona State Parks Director Bryan Martyn

March is an important month at Arizona's State Parks as there are so many programs for day trips out to the 27 State Parks. But also March is Archaeology and Heritage Awareness Month which features events in many of Arizona's 91 towns including the big EXPO on March 29 at Catalina State Park in Oro Valley. Our State Historic Preservation Office offers state-wide schedules for the entire month of March.

After visiting with Mayors and town leaders throughout the state on my "Historic Tour Series," I was surprised to learn how enthusiastic Arizona has been repurposing its historic facilities and using those historic resources for a multitude of uses. Historic buildings play a special role in creating the distinctive character of each and every community. Their legacy of cultural and educational benefits must be preserved for future generations. These buildings offer rich historical stories that attract more visitors to Arizona.

Arizona leaders are saving our natural and cultural resources through innovative thinking and continue to find positive solutions that will benefit the State, enhance our quality of life and help maintain rural traditions and values. Our fascinating historic resources in all these towns make Arizona's tour and travel opportunities even more appealing to visitors. I would encourage you all to schedule some weekends to discover Tucson's San Xavier and Historic Train Depot. Get to Flagstaff to visit Riordan Mansion State Historic Park and El Tovar at the Grand Canyon. Stand on the corner in Winslow, Arizona, visit the Hopi Homolovi State Park and visit La Posada hotel and train station. Have you seen historic Fort Naco, or the historic Presidio in Tubac? Tombstone's Courthouse State Park and Bisbee's Copper Queen all offer destinations a group of four could share travel costs and have a fascinating weekend. Yuma has two State Historic Parks and McFarland State Park in Florence highlights our former Governor's vision to create the State Parks department to preserve and protect historic and cultural resources.


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