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State Fishing, Hunting Pamphlets Now Available

OLYMPIA - Anglers and hunters can check out the latest regulations for fishing and big game hunting in new pamphlets arriving now in sporting goods stores throughout the state.

The pamphlets, compiled by Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, detail state rules for upcoming fishing and hunting seasons for species ranging from steelhead trout to Roosevelt elk.

Both pamphlets already are available on WDFW's website at http://wdfw.wa.gov/ .

State fishery managers are extending the fishing rules that go into effect May 1 by two months - through June 30, 2015 - to transition to a later cycle, said Jim Scott, assistant director of WDFW's fish program. In future years, the pamphlet will be effective July 1 through June 30.

"The switch to a July-through-June timetable will improve our ability to complete the rule-making process for salmon and reflect the regulations in the pamphlet," Scott said.

Some spring 2015 fisheries, such as salmon, shrimp and crab, will be updated online when finalized next year. Anglers are reminded that changes occur throughout the year and are advised to check for updates on WDFW's website at http://wdfw.wa.gov/fishing/regulations/ .

The dates covered by the 2014 Big Game Hunting Seasons and Regulations pamphlet are unchanged from previous years. Any changes made during the year to the big game rules can be found online at http://wdfw.wa.gov/hunting/regulations/ .

For most people, a valid 2014-15 fishing or hunting license will be required to participate in those activities. The licenses are good through March 31, 2015. The exception is young people under age 15, who can fish for free.

Licenses and permits are available online (https://fishhunt.dfw.wa.gov/ ), by phone (1-866-246-9453) and from sporting goods stores and other retail license dealers around the state. A list of license vendors (http://wdfw.wa.gov/licensing/vendors/ ) is available online and from local WDFW offices around the state.


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