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Quagga Mussel Update

Anglers, Boaters Reminded To Clean, Drain, Dry

Glen Canyon National Recreation Area staff continue to monitor park waters to determine the distribution of quagga mussels. Quagga mussels were recently identified in sampling locations between Glen Canyon Dam and Lees Ferry.

Mussel larvae (veligers) are passing through the Glen Canyon Dam and low numbers of adult mussels have been confirmed in the Glen Canyon stretch of the river. Managers and research staff remain hopeful that the river current and sediment in the water below the Paria River will restrict how far quagga mussels can expand and colonize downstream.

All boaters and fishermen are reminded to clean, drain, and dry their boats and equipment after contact with the water in Lake Powell and the Colorado River. Superintendent Todd Brindle would like to remind everyone that it is important now more than ever with mussels being confirmed both above and below the dam to clean, drain and dry and follow all applicable laws.

Utah and Arizona state laws require that boat owners decontaminate their vessels and conveyances to avoid the transport of quagga mussels to uninfested waters. Specific information on state laws for Utah can be found at http://www.wildlife.utah.gov/mussels or for Arizona at http://www.azgfd.gov/ais. (From http://www.nps.gov/glca)


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