Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Deer, Deer, And More Deer

Another String Of Youth Camps Scheduled

Doug Burt

Hunting and Shooting Sports Program Manager

Arizona Game and Fish Department

Nov. 21-23 kicks off another string of youth camps! If you're interested in visiting an event to get an idea of what they look like, want to help out – glass, cook, fire tending, etc., or just looking for a road trip with the family during this great weather, here are some great options. Details and contact information are below.

Also, don't forget it's small game season, so take advantage of flushing quail, running rabbits, jumping jackrabbits and ducks on cupped-wings. A good small game hunter makes a great deer hunter.

Nov. 20-23: MDF Unit 42 Junior Deer Hunter's

Location: Wickenburg, Unit 42 Vulture Peak

Hosted by: Arizona Mule Deer Foundation, Arizona Game and Fish

Information: Terry Herndon, therndon@muledeer.org; or Craig Heath, cheath@azgfd.gov

Nov. 20-23: MDF Unit 18B Junior Deer Hunter's

Location: Wikieup, S.E. of Kingman, Unit 18B

Hosted by: Arizona Mule Deer Foundation Kingman Chapter & Youth Outdoors Unlimited

Information: John Beauchamp, jhn_beauchamp@yahoo.com

Nov. 20-23: MDF Unit 33 Junior Deer Hunter's

Location: Oracle area near Peppersauce Campground, Unit 33

Hosted by: Arizona Mule Deer Foundation – Pinal Mountain Chapter

Information: Steven Naranjo, stevennaranjohunthard@yahoo.com, (520) 705-7020

Nov. 20-23: AZSCI Junior's Deer Hunt Camp

Location: SW of Tucson, Units 36A & 36B

Hosted by: Arizona Chapter of Safari Club International

Information: Bobby Boido, azsci@yahoo.com, (520) 490-8367

Nov. 22-23: Free Family Predator Hunt

Location: Double U Ranch near Tombstone, Unit 30B

Hosted by: Huachuca Gould's Chapter of the National Wild Turkey Federation

Information: John Millican at 520-508-4272, j2dbmill@msn.com

Visit http://www.azgfd.gov/outdoorskills for a list of mentored events.

Visit http://www.azgfd.gov/hahwg to learn more about the Hunting and Angling Heritage Workgroup.


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