In Park's Spacious Habitats, Animals Thrive
Out Africa Wildlife Park is dedicated to wildlife and the wild places that sustain all of us. As many of those wild places around the globe are diminishing, we have heeded the call of developing and maintaining this 104-acre animal sanctuary that offers a haven to those who have no home.
Perpetuating this real living and breathing planet we all inhabit with all of its wildlife beauty is something we feel is worth devoting our lives to, and it starts in our own back yard. Building and maintaining natural, spacious habitats allow our animal residents to not just survive, but thrive. And as an added benefit, we get to observe their natural behavior up-close.
Uplifting Connections
As many of the wild places of the planet are disappearing and wildlife reserves and zoos become the last sanctuary for much of the world's wildlife, Out of Africa Wildlife Park offers a place for animals that have no other.
Our wildlife park is working to tip back the scales for animals that have lost so much and have no voice. Through educating the public, Out of Africa Wildlife Park helps to ensure the sustained existence of wildlife species throughout the world.
Discovering an exotic creature in person can be a life-changing event, no longer some cold and virtual image on a computer screen or a page in a text book. When a tiger chuffs at you to say hello, or a giraffe comes within inches of you to snatch a carrot stick, suddenly you begin to experience a connection with the animal in a very personal and meaningful way.
There is a transcendence that occurs, one of being uplifted. You, as so many, may be quickly overcome by their purity and sense of purpose, and even feel oneness with them. Many people bond with a particular animal, as does the animal with them, and that shared experience is repeated on subsequent visits never to be forgotten.
How We Can Help
We owe it to each other and to the majestic creatures with which we share this planet to teach, educate, and inspire generations to come. By supporting Out of Africa Wildlife Park through your attendance and various contributions, you are helping us continue our never-ending efforts in support of conserving nature and its most beautiful inhabitants.
If you're interested in other ways, you can support the park's conservation efforts and help us to sustain the park sanctuary, and sanctuaries and habitats around the world, you may wish to consider the following options:
• Annual Membership – Become a member of our family.
• Adopt an Animal – Become a proud parent of your animal friend.
• Individual Giving – Consider a variety of ways to contribute.
• Estate Plans – A bequest in your will is an easy way to ensure and preserve the continued legacy of Out of Africa Wildlife Park. Besides cash, your bequest can be funded by securities, real estate and any other property. Please make sure your assets are aligned and supportive of your beliefs and principals. Email us at to answer any questions you may have, or contact us directly at 928.567.2842.
• Donate a Toy – Provide enrichment for our animal friends.
• Volunteer – Get involved at a level that fits your time and commitment availability
Nearly all of our funds are raised through admission and on-grounds sales at the park. Unlike most zoos in the United States, we are not supported by municipal, state, or federal funds. Thank you for honoring our commitment with your support. Our work is not possible without you.
About The Park
Mon – Fri: 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
Sat – Sun: 9:30 a.m. – 5:00 p.m.
The admissions window closes at 4:00 p.m.
We are closed on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas Day.
(928) 567-2840
Directions To Out Of Africa Wildlife Park
For GPS or driving directions only use:
3505 W. SR-260 | Camp Verde, AZ 86322
3505 W. Camp Verde Bridgeport Highway | Camp Verde, AZ 86322.
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