Arizona Yacht Club's George Tingom reports that six people have signed up for the January US Sailing Level One Instructor class, but he needs others to sign up now in order to reach the minimum eight needed to hold the class. Some reasons to take the course are -
1. You'll learn to be a better sailor.
2. You'll have fun teaching others about our great sport.
3. ASF will pay half the tuition if you help out with one of its classes this next year.
Don't be put off by the fact that there are lots of requirements for the class. Tingham will talk you through it if you call him at (480) 948-3814. Also, don't be concerned if you have limited dinghy experience; the other students and an excellent instructor will help you.
About The Course
The US Sailing Small Boat Level 1 Sailing Instructor Certification Course is designed to provide sailing instructors with information on how to teach more safely, effectively, and creatively. The goal of the program is to produce highly qualified instructors, thereby reducing risk exposure for sailing programs.
Topics covered in the course include: classroom and on-the-water teaching techniques, risk management, safety issues, lesson planning, creative activities, ethical concerns, and sports physiology and psychology.
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