Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Grand Canyon National Park Seeks Input Re: Entrance Fees

Grand Canyon National Park is proposing to increase entrance fees into the park.

The proposed increase would change from $25 to $30 for a single vehicle for a seven day pass. The park's annual pass would increase from $50 to $60. The current rate of $12 per individual or motorcycle would increase to $15 per individual and $25 for a motorcycle.

The additional revenue from the fee increase will be used to enhance visitor services, including repair and maintenance of park facilities, restoration and rehabilitation of visitor service buildings, additional park programs and transportation services, and increase resource protection. Examples of projects where fee revenue was used include the Bright Angel Trailhead renovation, the re-design of Mather Point, and the Grand Canyon Visitor Center. The park's free shuttle bus system, projected to have 6.8 million boardings in 2014, is also funded by entrance fee income.

A 60-day public engagement period on the proposed fee increase opened Nov. 7, and will close on Wednesday, Jan. 7, 2015. Feedback will be accepted via email at grca_fee_increase@nps.gov and via U.S. Mail at: Grand Canyon National Park, Attention: Proposed Fee Increase P.O. Box 129 Grand Canyon, AZ 86023.

Entrance fees are not charged to persons under 16 years of age or holders of the America the Beautiful National Parks and Federal Recreational Senior, Access or Military Passes. These passes may be obtained at the Park. I

Interagency Passes, which are honored at all federally managed land units, are not affected by the proposed fee increase and will remain at $80 for the Interagency Annual Pass, $10 for the Senior Pass and free for the Access or Military passes.

Grand Canyon National Park is a strong economic engine for the surrounding area. In 2013, 4,564,841 visitors to Grand Canyon National Park spent over $476 million in communities near the park. That spending supported 6,238 jobs in the local area.

Comments received during the 60-day public comment period will inform the agency's decision on how or if a fee increase will be implemented.


Public Affairs Office

Grand Canyon National Park

Kirby-Lynn Shedlowski

Acting Public Affairs Officer



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