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Arizona State Parks Offers Funding for Non-Motorized Trail Projects

Workshop January 27 Grant Deadline February 27

(Phoenix, AZ - January 14, 2015) - Arizona State Parks is offering funding from the federal Recreational Trails Program for non-motorized trail projects. Project sponsors must complete an application package and submit it to State Parks by the deadline on Friday, February 27, 2015 at 5 p.m.

A workshop to assist interested project sponsors will be held at the Arizona State Parks Board Room, 1300 W. Washington St, Phoenix, on Tuesday, January 27, 2015 at 11 a.m. Project sponsors are strongly encouraged to attend because processes for obtaining cultural and environmental clearances have changed and information regarding the new processes will be emphasized. Reservations are not required. Attendance by teleconference can be arranged upon request. All potential project sponsors must contact the State Parks Grants Coordinator, Mickey Rogers, at (602) 542-6942 or mrogers(at)azstateparks.gov prior to February 6, 2015 to be eligible to apply.

Eligible project sponsors include governmental entities (cities, towns, counties, tribal governments, state and federal agencies) that have a legal responsibility to provide outdoor recreation related opportunities to the public. A governmental entity may need to secure a signed resolution authorizing the application for a project grant. Organizations, clubs, businesses, and other groups may enter into a cooperative agreement with an eligible project sponsor and participate as a third party.

Approximately $660,000 from the federal Recreational Trails Program (RTP) will be awarded to the selected projects. Two separate funding programs are available. Competitive grants offer up to $80,000 for projects that include new trail development and/or support facility development. Some trail maintenance can be included in these projects. Interpretive, way-finding, and regulatory signage is also eligible.

Projects will also be selected under the State Parks RTP Trail Maintenance Program. State Parks has been offering this program since 2001 to provide funds solely for routine trail maintenance. A separate application is required for this program and projects are capped at $30,000.

Grant application manuals and forms are available to download from the State Parks website: AZStateParks.com on the Grants Program page or by contacting Mickey Rogers at (602) 542-6942 or email mrogers(at)azstateparks.gov. The deadline for the completed application package is Friday, February 27, 2015 at 5 p.m.

For information about all 28 Arizona State Parks, the Trails and Off-Highway Vehicle Programs and State Historic Preservation Office call (602) 542-4174 or visit AZStateParks.com. Campsite reservations can be made online at AZStateParks.com or by calling the Reservation Call Center at (520) 586-2283. Open 7 days a week, from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. MST. Follow AZStateParks on Twitter and Facebook.


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