Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Star Tron Improves Fuel Year-Round

Wake-up boat engines for spring and summer.

Now that spring has arrived, it’s time to use enjoy your boat, PWC and all your other gas-powered equipment.

Fuel quality is the most important factor in making sure that gas-powered engines coming out of winter storage start easily and run smoothly. All fuel needs to be stabilized, and especially ethanol-blended fuel.

Ethanol and gasoline cannot form a chemical bond, which is why E10 fuel is formulated to be used within 30 days of blending. As fuel ages, it begins forming gums and other debris that clog carburetors and injectors, making engines run rough or become difficult to start.

The engines are fine — it is the fuel that is the problem. However, you need more than a traditional chemical fuel stabilizer that can “only stabilize.”

Star Tron Enzyme Fuel Treatment‘s unique formula is the ideal way to improve the performance of boat engines — inboard and outboard — year round. The proprietary blend of enzymes make Star Tron a multifunctional fuel treatment.

Engineered to stabilize fuel for up to two years, Star Tron is perfect for keeping the fuel fresh in boats that are put away for the winter, but it does much more than just stabilize fuel. The enzymes allow more oxygen to attach to hydrocarbon fuel molecules, resulting in a more complete burn of the fuel charge. This translates into maximum power, crisper throttle response and improved fuel economy.

When summer arrives and it is time to get out on the water, Star Tron helps restore much of the power and fuel economy lost in ethanol-blended fuels because ethanol does not produce as much energy as gasoline. A more complete burn of the fuel charge also helps prevent carbon deposits and keeps engines running clean, with significantly reduced emissions.

If gum or other debris is already in the fuel or carbon deposits are present, Star Tron’s enzymes break them apart to be dispersed throughout the fuel to be eliminated while the engine operates.

Because alcohol attracts water, moisture is another ethanol issue. Star Tron’s enzymes break apart clumps of water molecules into tiny submicron-sized droplets so they can be dispersed throughout the fuel to be safely eliminated while the engine is running.

Beware of additives that claim to remove water or make it burn; neither is possible. Most of these products rely on alcohol or other emulsifiers that degrade fuel quality and can result in significant carbon deposits.

Used year-round, Star Tron Enzyme Fuel Treatment keeps all engines starting easily and running smoothly. For more information, visit http://www.startron.com or call (800) 327-8583.


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