Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

NMMA Announces Details of 2016 Progressive Insurance Miami International Boat Show, Tours New Site With City of Miami Officials

MIAMI, FEBRUARY 13, 2015—Starting on Tuesday, with a meet and greet and tour of the new site for the NMMA Executive Committee and officials from the City of Miami, NMMA kicked off a series of announcements for what's to come in 2016 at the new site of the Miami International Boat Show: Miami Marine Stadium Park and Basin. During the meet and greet, NMMA staff and executives, alongside Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado and members of the City of Miami commission, held a groundbreaking for the new site and learned about construction plans. Located on Virginia Key, just across from downtown Miami, Miami Marine Stadium Park and Basin is known as one of the most beloved and historic boating destinations in the world.

The City of Miami will be investing $16 million to rejuvenate the Park and Basin. Additionally, NMMA will build customized docks and erect state-of-the-art tents to accommodate exhibitors. The vast area of water, which is the size of the Washington Mall, can accommodate at least 700 slips and will also be able to house large boats in a deep water basin. On land, large, cutting-edge tent structures will be both air-conditioned and open-air and will span Marine Stadium Park. Other elements of the new site announced by NMMA include plentiful more parking, the availability of water taxis from ports and hotels from throughout Miami that will be taking attendees to and from the show, and the ability for private boats to dock at the show and have access to launch services. What's more, with an abundance of hotels nearby--both downtown and in Key Biscayne--experiencing the show will be easier than ever.

"Next year will bring an entirely new and exciting Miami International Boat Show and I encourage you to plan now for how you want to use the space to sell your boats and marine products," noted NMMA President Thom Dammrich during his address at the annual Industry Breakfast on Thursday morning, opening day of the 2015 Miami International Boat Show.

Onsite at this year's show, from signage to renderings to information handouts, attendees couldn't miss the promotion for next year. Additionally, onPeak, the official hotel provider for the 2016 show, was booking reservations for next year. A 2016 sales and information center was staffed with NMMA sales staff offering details and booking information. Click here for a rendering of the new location. To learn about the 2016 show, please visit MiamiBoatShow.com or contact Cathy Rick-Joule at crick-joule@nmma.org.


Groundbreaking for Miami Marine Stadium Flex Park

(Miami, FL February 12, 2015) - City of Miami Mayor Tomas Regalado, City Commissioners, City Administrators, and the Office of Miami-Dade County Commissioner Xavier Suarez, were in attendance Tuesday, February 10, 2015 for at a groundbreaking ceremony for the new Flex Park that will be built at the Miami Marine Stadium on Virginia Key.

At the January 8, 2015 Commission Meeting, the City of Miami Commission approved a bond issuance to fund the Flex Park in accordance with the Virginia Key Master Plan to turn the existing parking lot into a recreational area at the Miami Marine Stadium. The Flex Park will consist of a 15 acre recreational space, one of the largest City park developments within the last five years. The site development includes utility infrastructure development, storm water management, and Flex Park field development.

The Executive Board of the National Marine Manufacturers Association (NMMA) was in attendance and thanked the City for hosting the 2016 International Boat Show as a special event at the new Flex Park. "I am very excited that the boat show is coming back to Miami and proud that Miami's crown jewel, the Marine Stadium, will be hosting this first class event," stated Mayor Tomas Regalado.

The City of Miami is actively pursuing restoration options for the Miami Marine Stadium.


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