Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

The Lost Dutchman Hopes You'll Visit

Enjoy the mild weather with a star party, hikes and more at Lost Dutchman State Park in February.

Many hikes and events are offered throughout the remaining days of February at Lost Dutchman State Park. Bring your family to hike or enjoy a picnic for the day and enjoy the like-fall temperatures in Apache Junction.

Wednesday, Feb. 18: History, Legends and Lore Hike, 9 a.m.

Following the Treasure Loop Trail, Volunteer hiking leader Jim will discuss the history of the Superstitions, along with legends and lore of the gold. This 2.5 mile round trip with an elevation change of approx. 520' is a moderate hike. Hikers should wear hiking shoes and carry ample water. Meet in the Cholla Day Use.

Friday, Feb. 20: Star Talk, 7:30 p.m.

Learn about the night sky, constellations and planets with local astronomer Bill Dellinges. Parking and seating at campground amphitheater.

Saturday, Feb. 21: Bird Walk, 8:30 a.m.

Join volunteer "birder Vera" for a morning of discovering the birds of the desert. Learn how to identify the birds in your back yard, the proper use of binoculars, where to find birds in our area, and then take a guided walk through the desert to practice new skills.

Bring binoculars if you have them, appropriate clothing, water and enthusiasm, but no dogs or small children, please. Expect to have some surprises and fun! Meet at the Native Plant Trail parking area near the ranger station for orientation. Participants will then relocate to Cholla Day Use Area.

Saturday, Feb. 21: Amazing Night Under the Skies, 7-9 p.m.

Join Dr. Sky, a radio/TV journalist based in Phoenix, for An Amazing Night Under the Skies. What planets will we see in the dark desert sky? Dress warmly and be prepared to be amazed at the sightings. Palo Verde Day Use area (weather permitting).

Sunday, Feb. 22: Inspirational Music, 5 p.m.

Listen and sing-a-long with Jim Potocki, local seasonal resident. Jim will be bringing a sampling of songs with him from Sunday appearances in Pennsylvania. Join us at the Palo Verde Ramada. Dress warmly and bring a chair.

Wednesday, Feb. 25: Challenge yourself hike, 9 a.m.

Join us at Siphon Draw Trailhead for a 4.2 round-trip hike to the basin (slick rock waterfall area). A steady uphill grade provides hikers the opportunity to exercise leg muscles, heart and lungs.

Come prepared to hike on a less-than-smooth trail. Elevation change - 1030 ft. Wear sturdy trail or hiking shoes, carry at least two bottles of water and bring a snack for a three-hour, moderately strenuous hike. Led by hiking leader Barb.

Saturday, Feb. 28: Edible Desert Plants, 1 p.m.

Naturalist and home economist Jean Groen of Apache Junction is the author of many food books, including "Foods of the Superstitions." Have you ever sampled the sweet jelly made from prickly pear cactus fruit? How about crackers or cookies baked with mesquite meal?

These and other recipes can be found in the more recent and expanded companion volume "Plants of the Sonoran Desert and Their Many Uses." She has researched Indian recipes for desert plants and "modernized" and developed recipes for today. Jean will discuss desert plants, seeds and fruit and share tasty recipes at the Palo Verde Ramada.

More Information

For more information visit call (480) 982-4485 or visit AZStateParks.com/parks/LODU. The Park Entrance Fee is $7 per vehicle (up to four adults) for all of these events. Primitive to full hookup camping sites are available at a fee of $15 to $25 depending on the type of camping site needed. Lost Dutchman State Park is located off of Highway 88 (Apache Trail North) just outside of Apache Junction, Ariz.


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