Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Rangers Successfully Intervene with Possible Suicide

Grand Canyon, Ariz. – On Monday, May 11th the Grand Canyon Regional Communications Center was contacted by the Tallmadge, OH Police Department reporting a missing man who was believed to be suicidal and currently at Grand Canyon.

Rangers were able to locate the individuals’ vehicle at the Bright Angel Lodge and were able to trace the man to the Abyss on West Rim/Hermit’s Rest Drive based on information provided by investigators in Ohio. Rangers initiated contact with the man and over the course of three-hours were able to safely move him away from the rim. The individual was transported to the Flagstaff Area Medical Center for evaluation.

An investigation into the incident is being conducted by the National Park Service and the Tallmadge, OH Police Department. No additional information is available.


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