Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Excerpts From AZGFD Report

Anglers' Reports Are Invited, Welcome

A Summer Favorite

One summer favorite for high country anglers is Bear Canyon Lake in the Mogollon Rim. This deep canyon lake has decent shoreline access, but don't expect to fish the bottom with your PowerBait.

There is a steep drop-off along most of the shoreline. There is a slight hike into this lake, which keeps most people away. There's no store, no facilities (other than a bathroom in the parking lot), and it is only dispersed camping nearby - a good thing for minimalists.

The Reel Deal

When there is a new moon (as there was on July 18), this is a perfect time to fish at night under the stars using a submersible light.

Trout stockings are in full effect so be sure to check our summer stocking schedule before heading out, and consult our Fish & Boat AZ map to find the locations of our state's top fishing holes.

Nighttime fishing is still ideal as we head deeper into summer. Crappie fishing should still be a good bet at Alamo Lake. Try fishing by the dam using crappie lights and jigging minnows. At Roosevelt Lake, some crappie anglers have reported that the crappie fishing has finally picked up.


Keep up with the state's fire restrictions from the Bureau of Land Management Web site.

And, if you don't have a license, purchase one online. They're valid for 365 days from the date of purchase and help conserve wildlife.

Angler Reports

Ashurst Lake

Loren C.: Ashurst Lake is great in the early morning and late afternoon. Caught nice-sized hold overs using cowbells and PowerBait scented worms. Artificial waterdog-looking baits get a lot of attention but do not seal the deal. Fish are delicious and nicely colored. Spinners and trolling baits are a waste of time right now.

Canyon Lake

Anonymous: My son and I went out on Canyon Lake, in our tandem kayak, around 4:30 p.m., mid-week in early July. A bit of wind but mostly quiet, only a few motors around. We paddled back into the river opening, didn't get anything. Made our way out around 7:30 p.m., just before entering the lake again, stopped in a small cover, dropped a line and hooked a line baited with a worm, caught this nice channel cat. Great time pulling her in. Ended up being just over 4 pounds. Great taste, not at all like the tasteless versions bought in the grocer's.

Bartlett Lake

Shane W.: I figure I would share a bass I caught at Bartlett (around 6 p.m.) while fishing for cats in case you want to put it in the fishing report. Catch and release ... she was a fighter.

Thank You, Anglers!

Please send your fishing reports to BFishing@AZGFD.gov

Opportunities Made Possible.

Arizona fishing opportunities wouldn't be possible without the Sport Fish Restoration Program. It was created through the Dingell-Johnson Act of 1950 (Federal Aid in Sport Fish Restoration Act) and the Wallop-Breaux amendments of 1984.

Through a federal excise tax paid by manufacturers on fishing gear and motorboat fuels, it provides grant funds for fishery conservation, boating access, and aquatic education.


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