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Arizona State Parks Board Seeks Volunteer Advisors

The Arizona State Parks Board is seeking motorized and non-motorized recreation enthusiasts, and scientists from throughout Arizona to serve as volunteer advisors.

Currently, there are ten (10) openings for three advisory boards including the Arizona State Committee On Trails (ASCOT) and the Natural Areas Program Advisory Committee (NAPAC). The Parks Board will make appointments in November 2015 for positions beginning January 1, 2016. Applications for all committees are available to download at AZStateParks.com.

ASCOT Has Six Openings

The Arizona State Committee on Trails (ASCOT) represents non-motorized trail interests and serves in an advisory capacity to the Arizona Outdoor Recreation Coordinating Commission and the Parks Board. The overall mission of the Arizona Trails Program is to promote, develop, and preserve non-motorized trail opportunities throughout the state. The Parks Board appoints ASCOT members to three-year terms and there are six (6) openings.

NAPAC Seeks Four Volunteers

The Natural Areas Program Advisory Committee (NAPAC) advises the Parks Board and staff on natural area related issues and provides scientific and natural resource management expertise to protect, conserve and maintain natural, biological, ecological, aquatic and terrestrial resources. The four (4) openings on NAPAC will be filled with applicants who have experience in botany, ecology, hydrology, zoology, wildlife biology; or experience in the conservation and/or preserve management fields. The Parks Board appoints members to NAPAC for three-year terms.

September Deadline

The deadline for submitting an application for any of the listed advisory committees is 5 p.m., Monday, September 14, 2015. More information about each of the committees and an application can be found on the Arizona State Parks Web site under AZStateParks.com/committees or call Brianne Fisher, Advisory Committee Administrative Assistant at (602) 542-6968 or email advisorycommittees(at)azstateparks.gov.


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