Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

I Can't Tune A Piano, But I Can Tuna Fish?

Don’t miss the boat or the bite

The San Diego-based sport fishing continues to boat good numbers of blue fin, yellow fin, yellow tail and dorado within U.S. waters. The anglers are coming, the boats are going, and the fish are biting.

Solid numbers of migratory tuna are being caught on ¾ and one-day and multi-day trips. Blue and yellow fin in the 20-30-pounds class are hanging close to the California coast. Abruptly in the middle of the average-sized “fins’” bite, the mayhem erupts with 100-200 pounds-grade yellow and blue fins blowing through, trashing anglers throwing lighter line test less than 50-60 pounds.

Late July and early August welcome dorado in solid numbers offering anglers an excellent table. Yellow tail are abundant close in around the kelp forests around the U.S. coast and Mexican waters.

The Malihini sport boat out of H&M Landing with a proud tradition of dependable service since1975 continues to lead the fleet on ¾ day trips on solid numbers of tuna fishing US waters without having to have a passport. Mexico, however, continues the requirement of having to have a passport in lieu of the normal visa we are used to.

The H&M Landing sport fleet is running split trips between Mexican waters with passports and U.S. waters without passports, lending fishing opportunities to all. Malihini does run Mexican waters on most Sundays with passports to take advantage of the fishing around the Coronado Island and other secret spots. Check the schedule with H&M Landing (619) 222-1144.

On a recent trip, Malihini, in U.S. waters, was in the middle of a medium-grade blue fin bite. One young angler was fortunate enough to get a big bite and landed a blue fin tipping the scales at 126.55 pounds and 5’-6” long. Not often do you catch a fish bigger than you are — excellent fish!

On multiple trips I’ve noticed a wonderful mix of kids of all ages, boys and girls, enjoying the deep-sea fishing adventure with dads and granddads. What an awesome opportunity and experience for these young people!

Gear Selection Is Personal Choice

If you don’t have gear, rods, reels and terminal tackles, they are available from Rick, The “Tackle Master” in the H&M LandingTackle shops — excellent Seeker rods and Avet reels primarily, good stuff. If you have your own gear, the place to respool with fresh lines and get your reels serviced and lubed is Phoenix Fishing Supply, 16th Street south of Camelback Road, since 1987. When you’re there, check out the Flat Falls, 100 gr weight.

Gear selection selection is a matter of personal choice when comes to rods and reels. Rods, I’d suggest a 7’-6” medium- fast action tip with solid baclkbone. Single-speed reels are great for most fish — two speed if your targeting the 100-pounds class. Line size should be from the 30-50 pounds- test class.

And, About Bait

Live bait this year is good quality — anchovies and sardines with a few mackerel mixed on most all the boats. For those anglers with A.D.D. like me, throwing heavy irons in blue/chrome or blue/whites is a good bet. Flat fall jigs like the Shimano “Colt Sniper” in 100-gram weight and the Butterfly jig, 100 gram have been very effctive.

Look for the Savage Gear “Squish” jig; it should be hitting the tackle stores soon. And of course, my favorite is the soft-plastic replacable swimbait 5 ½” bodies on a 1-2 oz triangular jig. I’m recommending purple/black in early morning or heavily overcast days and going to lighter patterns as the sun brightens the day such as a Gruneon pattern. Translucents with dark backs, greens, blues, purples and blacks with sparkle work well in bright-light periods.

On your triangluar jig head, be sure to choose the ones with 3-D eyes, crystal clear with the black pupil; stay away from red eyes. The fish don’t seem to be real line shy, so 40 and 50-pounds monofilment have been working well.

The thing to keep in the back of your thoughts is the 100-plus pounders slamming the boat. The worst sound an angler can hear is “pop”followed by a peroids of depression. Arm yourself for the fight.

Space Becoming Limited

Depending on your available time and fishing budget, trips are still available, space for one day, 1 ½ days and two days plus are limited and getting tighter as the wide open bite continues.

Tuna fishing doesn’t have to be time consuming or expensive. The cost for a ¾ day Malihini trip with all the permits, not including gear and food, is less than $200 per angler. Out at 5:30 a.m., back in at 5:30 p.m. It’s a just a good day on the water.

We haven’t seen a stellar tuna season like this for a number of years, don’t miss the boat or the bite. Book it now and think about taking your kids and grand kids.

Good fishing and get bent!


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