Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Colors In The Sky - Over 60 To Soar Above Lake Powell

Come See Them At The Page/Lake Powell Hot-Air Balloon Regatta

Over 60 hot air balloons will fly above Lake Powell in the 13th Annual Page Lake Powell Hot Air Balloon Regatta Friday through Sunday Nov 6 – Nov 8. The balloons will lift off each morning at 7 a.m. from the Lake Powell National Golf Course.

There is no charge to the public to join in the festivities, including viewing the morning launches and on Saturday The Chamber Page Lake Powell's Vendor Fair and evening balloon glow.

Information is available on the http://www.VisitPageLakePowell.com Web site.

On Saturday evening the party gets into full swing as the town main street, Lake Powell Boulevard, closes down to traffic and more than two dozen balloons line the street from top to bottom for a balloon glow and Vendor Fair with Beer Garden, live music, games, and rides.

It's a great opportunity to get up close and talk to the pilots, learn about ballooning, or volunteer to be on a chase crew. The Regatta Vendor Fair opens at 11 a.m. on Saturday.

All of the great tourism activities that Page and Lake Powell are known for will be in full swing - slot canyon tours, river trips, boating, biking, hiking, a round of golf on Lake Powell National Golf Course, and Horseshoe Bend is just a short drive (2 miles) south of Page.

Volunteers are welcome to help crew and stage balloon flights. For more information contact the Page Office of Tourism 928-645-4310.


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