Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Their 'House' Is Open

Adobe Mountain Wildlife Center Welcomes You

Here's an excellent opportunity to learn more about wildlife native to Arizona and other education programs. Featured will be live wildlife displays, a chance to learn to cast at the fishing activity, boating law and safety information, material on hunter-education program, a self-guided tour of the facility, food, drink and merchandise.

Join us for our annual open house at the Adobe Mountain Wildlife Center Saturday, Nov. 21 and Sunday, Nov.22 from 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. Stroll around the compound, sit in on educational presentations, and best of all, see the animals that live at Adobe and serve as ambassadors for their species. There will be activities for all ages. Admission and parking are free. Remember, this is the only time we are open to the public.

Adobe Mountain Wildlife Center is located at 2800 Pinnacle Peak, Phoenix. For more information, phone Sandy at (623) 582-9806 or email to adobe@azwildlifecenter.net or visit http://azwildlifecenter.net.

About Adobe

The Adobe Mountain Wildlife Center was founded in May 1983 and functions under the Wildlife Education section within the Education Branch of Arizona Game and Fish. Its primary role is to rescue and rehabilitate Arizona wildlife and to educate Arizona residents and visitors about our unique diversity of animals.

Hundreds of animals pass through its doors annually. By providing temporary and long-term medical and rehabilitation services, the Center provides sick, injured or orphaned wildlife a second chance for survival.

The Wildlife Center Auxiliary assists the Center in a number of ways, including many volunteer hours spent in daily care and maintenance of the facility (and its "residents") and in fundraising.

Arizona Game and Fish is not funded by tax dollars. The majority of the budget comes from license fees, the Heritage Fund, and the Conservation Fund and private donations. AZGFD uses a portion of their Heritage Fund "Lottery Dollars Working for Wildlife" to provide the small operating budget for the Center.

Often the needs outstrip the funds, and the efforts of the Auxiliary ensure the Center will have the necessary resources to support the day-to-day needs as well as provide the extra support during times of environmental disasters such as wild fires, floods and drought.

Programs, Tour Requests

Adobe Mountain Wildlife Center receives many requests each month for programs, tours and speakers. Unfortunately, we have limited resources and can not accommodate everyone, as much as we wish we could. To help facilitate this process, we are coordinating all requests through the Arizona Game & Fish Department. The link on their site will take you to the on-line presentation request form.


Sponsor-A-Baby-Owl is a wildlife-support program provided by the Wildlife Center at Adobe Mountain, a branch of the Arizona Gameand Fish Department.

Each spring owlets start arriving at the Wildlife Center. These owlets come to us for several reasons; they might be injured, abandoned, orphaned or fallen from their nest. The volunteers and staff at the Wildlife Center provide medical attention, house and feed the owlets until they are ready to be released some time in October.

Each owlet that comes to us is placed in a holding pen with other owls of the same approximate age with an adult to act as a surrogate mother. The owlets receive minimum human contact and are fed the same foods they would receive if they were in the wild. An owlet raised in the way is easily returned to the wild with little adjustment. The cost to care for one owlet is approximately $250.

Each year the Wildlife Center takes in 40 to 60 juvenile Great Horned Owls.. The cost to care for these young owls adds up to more than one third of our yearly budget. Adobe Mountain Wildlife Center receives no tax dollars or other state funding; it relies on the Heritage Fund Lottery dollars and tax deductible donations from people like you.

Here's how you can help sponsor a baby owl. Choose your level of support:

The Owlet $75 -You will receive a letter of acknowledgement and a certificate of sponsorship.

The Fledging $150 -You will receive a letter of acknowledgement; a certificate of sponsorship and an 8x10 photograph of a young owl.

The Owl $250 - You will receive a letter of acknowledgement, certificate of sponsorship, an 8x10 photograph of a young owl and notification of the release with the option to attend.


The Sponsor-a-Wild-One program is designed to encourage public awareness of Arizona native wildlife as they receive care and rehabilitation at Adobe Mountain Wildlife Center.

Throughout the year, Adobe Mountain Wildlife Center provides care for over one thousand sick, injured or orphaned members ofArizona's wildlife, including birds, mammals and reptiles. Some of these animals stay only briefly before they are released back into the wild, but many need extended veterinary treatment and recuperative care.

The non-releasable animals that reside at the Center become Adobe Mountain Wildlife Center Ambassadors and are members of our out-reach education program. Your participation in this program allows you the opportunity to provide an Adobe Ambassador a healthy and purposeful life as we reach out to the public through education.

Choose your level of sponsorship:

$150 - Receive a photo certificate of your Wild One to fit an 8"x10" frame, an official certificate of sponsorship, a Wild One fact sheet, a one year subscription to Arizona Wildlife Views and a * 501(c) (3) tax deductible receipt.

$100 - Receive a photo certificate of your Wild One to fit a 5"x7" frame, an official certificate of sponsorship, a Wild One fact sheet and a * 501(c) (3) tax deductible receipt.

$50 - Receive a fact sheet of your Wild One and a *501(c) (3) tax deductible receipt.

Your sponsorship goes directly towards the care of these animals and is tax-deductable. * 100% of your donation is tax deductible under the 501(c) (3). As always, it's best to consult with your accountant for proper filing procedures.

The animals listed below are available to be sponsored:

Birds of Prey - Bald Eagle, Golden Eagle, Prairie Falcon, Barn Owl, Great Horned Owl, Red-Tailed Hawk, Black Vulture, Harris Hawk, Swainson's Hawk, Burrowing Owl, Hummingbird, Western Screech Owl, Common Black Hawk, Northern Goshawk, Turkey Vulture, Ferruginous Hawk, Peregrine Falcon, Zone Tail

Mammals - Bobcat, Striped Skunk, Mexican Free-Tailed Bats, Round-Tailed Prairie Dog, Ground Squirrel, Opossum, Raccoon, Skunk

Reptiles - Desert Tortoise, Gila Monster, Gopher Snake, Long Nose Snake

Visit http://azwildlifecenter.net and click on the online form link below to begin your Wild One sponsorship. Note: More than one person may sponsor the same animal. Animals remain the property and in the care of Adobe Mountain Wildlife Center.

Tortoise Adoption

Are you interested in adopting a desert tortoise? Remember you are making a long-term commitment and there are certain requirements that must be met before one of these special animals can come to your home to live. You can find everything you need to know to adopt and care for a desert tortoise at http://www.azgfd.gov/tortoise.

After you have read the requirements for providing a good home for a desert tortoise and you feel you still want to adopt a desert tortoise, please email TAP@azgfd.gov. If you need to speak with someone, please call 1-844-896-5730.

If you have found a Sonoran desert tortoise that needs a home, please contact the Arizona Game And Fish Department - we will be happy to assist you.


There are several ways to donate to Adobe Mountain Wildlife Center Auxiliary. We accept General Donations, Memorial Donations, Meat Donations, and we have a Wish List of items we are always in need of. To learn more about each type of donation, visit http://azwildlifecenter.net to learn more about the following: General Donations, Memorial Donations, Meat Donations, and Wish-List Items.

Your tax-deductible donations are greatly appreciated by the wildlife of Arizona - and, of course, by the humans who seek their best interests. We also accept donations with check or money order. To donate using a check or money order, please make payable to AMWCA and mail to this address:

Adobe Mountain Wildlife Center Auxiliary (AMWCA)

P.O. Box 42386

Phoenix, Arizona 85080-2386

All donations are tax deductible 501 (C) 3 86-0642399. http://www.azwildlifecenter.net/donations.html


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