PHOENIX - To increase customer service the Arizona Game And Fish Department encourages off-highway vehicle (OHV) owners to sign up to receive their yearly OHV decal renewal reminder through e-mail.
The decal program began in 2009 and requires all OHVs, including all-terrain vehicles (ATVs), side-by-sides and dirt bikes, to have a sticker if the vehicle is designed primarily for travel on unimproved roadways or trails. The sticker, which is placed on the upper left-hand corner of the license plate, is issued by the Arizona Motor Vehicle Division and is required to operate an OHV on public and state lands.
To ensure owners receive timely notice that their decal is about to expire, they can sign up to receive a reminder through e-mail, mail or both by visiting and clicking "OHV Decal Requirements."
There are approximately 112,000 vehicles issued OHV decals within the state. By encouraging OHV owners to receive renewal reminders online, the department hopes to save on the approximately $120,000 spent to print and mail notices each year.
Each sticker costs $25. Thirty percent of the funds collected go into the state's Highway User Revenue Fund, which is distributed to counties and cities for road and highway maintenance. The remaining funds are split as follows:
60 percent to Arizona State Parks for grants and agreements, trail construction, development and maintenance, signage and maps.
35 percent to the Arizona Game And Fish Department for law enforcement, education and outreach.
5 percent to the Arizona State Land Department for mitigation, signage and enforcement.
For more information about the Arizona Game and Fish OHV program and on safety courses, visit
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