Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Arizona State Parks' Family Campout Program Spring Registration Now Open

Have you ever wanted to bring your family camping but weren't sure where to start? The Arizona Family Campout Program is a one-weekend adventure designed for families who have little or no experience camping. The award-winning program will provide some equipment and introduce families to the new adventure of camping at an Arizona State Park.

Throughout the weekend families will work with a camp coordinator and other families to learn how to set-up their tent and make meals on a camp stove. In addition there will be activities, including (depending on the park): mountain biking, hiking, fishing, archery, geocaching, animal demonstrations, campfire stories, birding, and more. Families will also get to work on a service project.

Participating state parks and remaining weekend dates for spring 2016:

Catalina SP, Tucson: April 16 & 17

River Island SP, Parker: April 23 & 24

Dead Horse Ranch SP, Cottonwood: June 4 & 5

Families should bring food, sleeping bags or any bedding, pillows, camping chairs, clothing, sturdy shoes and personal items including toothpaste, towels, soap, etc. The program will provide tents, sleeping mats, flashlights, chairs and all activity equipment. Beverages provided include water, coffee, tea, and sports drinks. Snacks provided include seasonal fruit, granola bars and more.

Families are responsible for bringing for two lunches, dinner and breakfast. Menu ideas and packing tips are provided on the Web site at AZStateParks.com/Family and will also be given upon registration.

Registration is now open for spring sessions at AZStateParks.com/Family. The program fee is $70 for a family of 4. Additional immediate family members are $5 each. Sorry, children 5 years and younger or pets cannot attend this program. Registration is limited and is first-come, first-served.

For more information and to register visit AZStateParks.com/Family.

The Arizona State Parks Family Campout Program is supported by one Arizona State Parks Coordinator and a host of volunteers passionate about the outdoors. Arizona State Parks' Family Campout Program was the recipient of the 2015 Youth Enrichment Award from the Arizona Parks and Recreation Association.


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