Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

Fur And Feather Sends Update

Their remarkable rescue and shelter facility in New Mexico needs our support.

From The Great Folks At Fur & Feather

Hello everybody and we hope this update finds you all doing well. It is a wonderful new year and spring is upon us! A lot has happened over the last few months.

Tango, our special girl who has been with us six years, found a forever home. She chose her person. It is going well with Tango and her new family.

We have had a few great adoptions, and many new dogs have come to us recently.

New Team Members

We have been moving forward as usual, and a lot has changed. Two new people have joined the team and have been staying at Fur and Feather as our new caretakers for the premises. They are a great asset, and have been a tremendous help. We are looking to build a small living structure or are looking for a larger single-wide trailer to make their stay more comfortable. Any leads in this area would be greatly appreciated.

Brad, Jennifer and I have been working hard keeping FFAA running smoothly. With this new year underway, many new goals and ideas are ahead of us.

Using Tires For New Dog Houses

Our plans for expanding dog runs is on the top of the list as well as making ten new tire dog house shelters. With new dogs coming in, it seems we should make some more room for dogs to have larger areas to run and a cozier place to rest. We want to make permanent dog houses for each of these larger dog runs out used car tires.

Jennifer was inspired by Mike Reynolds Earth Ship concept in Taos, N.M. She thought, if these types of homes can be built for humans, why not make smaller versions for dogs? These are nearly indestructible, well insulated and will provide warmth in the winter and be nice and cool in the summer.

Once built, they are beautifully covered with stucco and are quite eye appealing. We started a protoype and it took about a day to build. We are excited about this new project getting started soon! Any help or ideas in this area will also be greatly appreciated.

Fundraising Plans For 2016

We are also hoping to do some type of a fundraiser in the near future, and would like some outside help with organizing and setting it up. Any good ideas are welcome.

Now that we have a new year ahead of FFAA, I would like to be more involved with the community by, doing workshops, talking with local groups, and working with the local sheriff's department and raising awareness about our purpose here in Catron county and other surrounding areas.

Our Wish List

Even from a distance (e.g., Arizonans reading this article), animal lovers can be of great help in our mission of caring and sheltering. Our current needs include, but are not limited to, the following:

Any building materials,

Any dog and cat supplies.

Camper trailer and or single wide trailer,

Dog and cat food,



Ply wood and or siding,

Storage sheds,

Used Tires For New Dog Houses, and

Volunteers for Fur and Feather,

So far this year is heading off with a good start. We hope all of you are enjoy the sunny weather and doing well. Thank you all for considering these requests and for your continued support.

Two Of Our Adoptable Residents


Squeaky loves everyone. He hasn't chased any of the cats and he is great in the house. He loves to play with Sarah's Husky-Cross dog Seeer. We can't wait until he gets his forever home.

We are taking applications now. If you are interested you can fill out the application online and email it to furandfeatheranimalassisstance@gmail.com. We will go over the applications and pick a lucky person to take him home. Prepare yourself for a love of a lifetime. He is a keeper!


This sweet little hound girl was brought to us by some very good people. They had found her on the highway between Datil and Reserve, N.M., running stray and scared.

Felina was half starved and had a horrendous wound on her hip. She had been attacked by some sort of predator and had several large puncture wounds in her hip.

We had some good luck with a new mobile vet from Magdalena, N.M., named Jane Fassinger. She was doing a clinic in PieTown. Jane thoroughly cleaned and dressed Felina's wounds and gave her a good dose of antibiotics.

Felina is very lucky. The vet said she must have had a run in with a large cat of some kind. She is just about a year old and has a great personality. She is very loving and eager to please. She is healing very well.

Please Contact Us

Our email is furandfeatheranimalassisstance@gmail.com and our mailing address isFur and Feather Animal Assistance, Inc., P.O. Box 555, Pie Town, NM 87827


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