Times Spent Outdoors: Priceless!

WDFW Seeks Members For The Hunter Education Instructor Advisory Committee

OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife (WDFW) is accepting letters of interest through June 15 for membership on its Hunter Education Instructor Advisory Committee (IAC).

The group, which represents the nearly 1,000 volunteer hunter education instructors statewide, advises WDFW on issues and opportunities affecting the hunter education program and its instructors.

"We are extremely appreciative of all the work that current and past IAC members have contributed to the program," said David Whipple, WDFW hunter education division manager. "Their involvement has been instrumental in making Washington's hunter education program one of the best in the country."

Current members of the IAC are eligible for reappointment and are encouraged to apply to serve on the committee again, said Whipple. The application process is only open to certified hunter education instructors.

WDFW will be recruiting to fill 15 available positions serving terms ranging from one to three years in duration.

All appointees must retain their instructor certification throughout their entire term. The new appointees will start on Aug. 1, 2016 and the first meeting with the new members of the IAC will be Aug. 20, 2016, in Ellensburg.

The group's bylaws state that at least two advisory group members should reside within each of the six WDFW administrative regions (http://wdfw.wa.gov/about/regions/).

Applicants for membership on the advisory committee are asked to explain 1) why they want to be a member of IAC, 2) what qualifies them to be a member, and 3) how they can help the group effectively advise WDFW on Hunter Education issues and opportunities.

Letters of interest must include contact information (phone number, email address, mailing address, county of residence) and permission for WDFW to conduct a criminal background check.

The background check is free to applicants. Letters of interest should be emailed to Kris Thorson at Kristopher.thorson@dfw.wa.gov or sent to the Washington Department of Fish and Wildlife, Wildlife Program, Hunter Education Division, Attn: Kris Thorson, 600 Capitol Way North, Olympia, WA 98501-1091.

Interested hunter education instructors are advised to review the IAC information on the instructor webpage.

The IAC meets approximately four times per year, usually in Ellensburg. Members serve as volunteers and do not receive direct compensation, but mileage reimbursement is provided by WDFW to attend meetings.

Members can expect to donate at least 50 hours of their time annually in excess of normal instruction.

Hunter education instructors certify between 10,000 and 13,000 students annually.


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