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Prescribed Fire Planned for Grand Canyon Village Thursday, May 5, 2016

Grand Canyon, Ariz. – National Park Service (NPS) fire managers anticipate initiating prescribed fire treatment in Grand Canyon Village Thursday, May 5, as weather and fuel moisture conditions allow.

The burn unit, primarily ponderosa pine, is about 40 acres in size and is located east of the village historic district and south of South Entrance Road. Because of the burn unit’s proximity to South Entrance Road and the Greenway Trail, temporary closures and detours will be in effect from 10 am to 2 pm on May 5. The Village (Blue) shuttle bus route will also follow the detour and will not pick passengers up at the Village East bus stop or at the Shrine of Ages during the closure. Shuttle passengers eastbound from the village will need to pick up the shuttle from the Train Depot stop.

Passengers at the Shrine of Ages will need to go to the bus stops at Market Plaza. Greenway Trail users will also need to follow a detour. Signs, maps, and park personnel will direct motorists, cyclists, and pedestrians.

This prescribed fire is part of the annual readiness review for Grand Canyon wildland fire crews. The review is designed to assist crews to prepare for and operate during wildfire season. As part of the readiness review, from 10 am to 2 pm at the Shrine of Ages parking lot, interested visitors can meet fire personnel, learn about fire’s role in the ecosystem, and walk a short distance with fire managers to safely view the fire.

Smoke will be visible from Grand Canyon Village. Visitors and residents may see fire personnel and vehicles in the vicinity. Please drive slowly, turn on headlights, follow traffic control signs and directions, and avoid stopping in areas where fire personnel are working.

Prescribed fires play an important role in decreasing risks to life, resources, and property. Fire managers carefully plan prescribed fires, initiating them only under environmental conditions that are favorable to assuring firefighter and visitor safety and to achieving the desired objectives.


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